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Robert Clark

Robert Clark

PhD Candidate

Supervisors: Assoc Prof Peter DahlhausDr Nathan Robinson, and Dr Elizabeth Morse-McNabb (Department of Jobs Precincts and Regions).

Robert commenced his PhD with CeRDI in 2019 with Grains Research and Development Corporation as the industry partner. His research will explore how federating Australian grain trial data can lead to new discoveries that support the ideals of digital agriculture and enduring profitability for growers.


Predicting crop yield within the growing season at sub-paddock scale
Predicting crop yield within the growing season at sub-paddock scale: a big data approach

The availability of accurate and timely predictions of crop yield within the growing season would be of enormous benefit to the grains industry in Australia.

Find out more

  • Journal papers

    Clark, R.,  Dahlhaus, P.,  Robinson, N., Larkins, J., & Morse-McNabb, E. (2023). Matching the model to the available data to predict wheat, barley, or canola yield: A review of recently published models and data. Agricultural Systems, 211, 103749. External link icon

  • Conference papers and abstracts

    Clark, R. (2020). Predicting crop yield within the growing season at sub-paddock scale: a big data approach. Food Agility Summit 2020, University of Technology, Sydney on 10–11 February 2020.

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