Rekha Attanayake

PhD Candidate
Supervisors: Assoc Prof Peter Dahlhaus and Dr Nathan Robinson
Rekha commenced her PhD with CeRDI in 2019 with Southern Farming Systems, Victorian Limestone Producers Association and Precision Agriculture as industry partners. Her research will explore and develop novel approaches to advance understanding of lime type, quality, variability and spreadability on performance for agricultural purposes under current farming systems and practices.
Developing new methods to help farmers make decisions on lime use and lime requirement
Soil acidity is recognised as one of the major soil constrains to increased agricultural productivity in Australia.
- Journal papers
Attanayake, R., Weller, S.L., & Florentine, S.K. (2020). Seed germination response of a potential rangeland weed Psilocaulon granulicaule to selected environmental conditions. Australian Journal of Botany, 68(5), 363-368.
Attanayake, R., Rajapaksha, R., Weerakkody, P., & Bandaranayake, P.C.G. (2019). The Effect of Maturity Status on Biochemical Composition, Antioxidant Activity, and Anthocyanin Biosynthesis Gene Expression in a Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Cultivar with Red Flowers, Yellow Peel, and Pinkish Arils. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 38(3), 992-1006.
Attanayake, R., Eeswaran, R., Rajapaksha, R., Weerakkody, P., & Bandaranayake, P.C.G. (2018). Biochemical Composition and Expression of Anthocyanin Biosynthetic Genes of a Yellow Peeled and Pinkish Ariled Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Cultivar are Differentially Regulated in Response to Agro-Climatic Conditions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66(33), 8761-8771.
Pathirana, C.K., Chandrasekara, C.H.W.M.R.B., Attanayake, S.R.M.R., Weerakkody, W.A.P., Eeswara, J.P., & Bandaranayake, P.C.G. (2018). Optimization of DNA extraction and PCR protocols for plants with high Phenolics: Bael, Mango, Pomegranate as examples. Ceylon Journal of Science, 47(1), 43-48.
Attanayake, R., Kumari, S.A.S.M., Weerakkody, W.A.P., Ranil, R.H.G., Damania, A.B., & Bandaranayake, P.C.G. (2017). Molecular diversity and genetic relationships among Sri Lankan pomegranate Punica granatum landraces assessed with inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) regions. Nordic Journal of Botany, 35(4), 385-394.
- Conference papers, presentations and abstracts
Attanayake, R. (2020). Developing an online tool for comparison of lime applications [Poster presentation]. Food Agility Summit 2020, Sydney, Australia.
Ranil, R.H.G., Bandaranayake, P.C.G., Attanayake, S.R.M.R., & Weerakkody, W.A.P. (2017). Genetic diversity of Punica granatum L. germplasms in several major cultivation areas of Sri Lanka assessed with ISSR markers. Proceedings of the Annual Session of Department of Wildlife Conservation, 15-16 August 2017.
Attanayake, R., Nanayakkara, C.M., & Tennakoon, N.A. (2012). Comparison of the Effects of Organic Fertilizers with Inorganic Fertilizers on the Growth of Eight Months Old Coconut Seedlings and the Nutrient Availability and Soil Microbial Activity of Soils. Proceedings of the 15th International Forestry and Environment Symposium, 26-27 November 2010, 15, 93-100.
Attanayake, R., & Dassanayake, E.M. (2005). The Relationship Between the Mealy Bug Wilt Disease Symptom Expression and the Presence of Pineapple Bacilliform Virus in Pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) as Detected by Polymerase Cain Reaction. Proceedings of the 5th Agricultural Research Symposium, 27-28 September 2005, 78-81.