Assoc Prof Peter Dahlhaus
Principal Research Fellow
Peter's career spans 40 years in engineering geology, environmental geology and hydrogeology working in private and public sectors, investigating the geology, geomorphology, soils, groundwater and geohazards in south west Victoria. He has been influential in applying his scientific knowledge to direct policy on salinity, soils and catchment management. Peter is well-known as a science communicator by his students and community groups, and as an independent advisor to Catchment Management Authorities, water authorities and municipalities in the region. With his colleagues at CeRDI, Peter's current research focuses on spatial data interoperability and visualisation to ensure that environmental data, information and knowledge are globally and publicly available. He is an active collaborator on the development of international data exchange standards and a participant in national Cooperative Research Centres. Peter's passion is for establishing data democracies.
Peter is also an Associate Member of Federation University’s Future Regions Research Centre , and an Associate Member of Federation University's Centre for Smart Analytics
Call: 03 5327 9266
Professional qualifications
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD Flinders 2010)
Thesis: Salinity risk in the Corangamite region, Australia - Master of Applied Science (M App Sci RMIT 1988)
Thesis: Engineering Geological Mapping for the Urban Development of Melton, Vic - Bachelor of Applied Science (Applied Geology) (B App Sci RMIT 1981)
Professional memberships
- Australian Geomechanics Society (since 1982)
- Geological Society of Australia (since 1984)
- International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (since 1982)
- International Association of Hydrogeologists (since 1991)
- International Society of Rock Mechanics (since 1982)
- International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineers (since 1982)
- Soil Science Australia. (since 2000)
Professional commitments
- Associate Editor, Hydrogeology Journal (2015 - 2019)
- Chair, Independent Technical Review Panel, Southern Rural Water, for the Barwon Downs borefield project (since 2018)
- Chair, Technical Assessment Group, Bendigo Groundwater Project (2016 - 2019)
- Open Geospatial Consortium:
- Second Environmental Linked Features Interoperability Experiment (SELFIE) (since 2018-2019)
- Hydrology Domain Working Group - Groundwater Interoperability Experiment (2012 -2016) & Groundwater Standards Working Group (since 2016)
- Agricultural Domain Working Group - Soil Interoperability Experiment (2014 - 2016)
- Corangamite Catchment Management Authority:
- Community Advisory Group (2013 - 2019)
- Land Health Program Steering Committee (2013 - 2018)
- Salinity and Soils Operational Portfolio Group (2004 - 2012)
- Research and Development Steering Committee (2005 - 2012)
- Sustainable Agriculture and Land Management Implementation Committee (1992 - 2004)
- CSIRO Land & Water - Research Affiliate (2004 - 2008)
- Geomorphology Reference Group of Victoria (1997 - 2010)
- Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority
- Strategic Natural Resource Management Reference Group (2006 - 2008)
- Salinity Technical Committee (2003 - 2005)
- City of Ballarat Scientific Reference Panel on water and climate change (2007 - 2008)
- Southern Rural Water Stakeholder Reference Group (2011 - 2012)
- Office of Living Victoria: Living Ballarat Project - Technical Panel (2013 - 2014)
Professional experience
Federation University, Mt. Helen, Victoria (previously University of Ballarat / Ballarat University College / Ballarat College of Advanced Education)
- Principal Research Fellow (since 2016)
- Senior Research Fellow (2012-2016)
- Senior Lecturer (0.6) (1999-2011)
- Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (1988-1999)
Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd, Buninyong, Victoria
- Independent consultant (1999-2012)
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works, Mt Waverley, Victoria
- Engineering Geologist (1988)
Geological Survey of Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria
- Engineering Geologist (1982-1988)
Beton Son, Son en Breugel, The Netherlands
- Technical Officer (1981)
Technisearch Limited, Collingwood, Victoria
- Geologist (1980, 1982)
- Technical Officer (1977-1979)
- Book chapters or sections
Dahlhaus, P., & Peterson, T. (2024). Foreword in Deborah Wardle (Ed.) Understanding aquifers through groundwater stories. A collection of writing from a fieldwork day on the Barwon Downs borefield. Deborah Wardle Books. ISBN 978-0-646-89301-3.
Dahlhaus, P. (2019). The lay of the land: the geological evolution of the landscape. Chapter 2 in: ‘Geelong’s Changing Landscape: Ecology, Development and Conservation’ (Eds. D.S. Jones and P.B. Roös) pp. 11-20. (CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood).
Barton, A.B., Herczeg, A.L., Dahlhaus, P., & Cox, J.W. (2013). A geochemical approach to determining the hydrological regime of wetlands in a volcanic plain, south-eastern Australia. In 'Groundwater and ecosystems. IAH Selected Papers on Hydrogeology Series 18'. (Eds L Ribeiro, TY Stigter, A Chambel, et al.) pp. 69-80. (CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, USA)
MacEwan, R., Dahlhaus, P., & Fawcett, J. (2012). Hydropedology, geomorphology and groundwater processes in land degradation: case studies in south west Victoria, Australia
. In 'Hydropedology: synergistic integration of soil science and hydrology'. (1st edn) (Ed. H Lin) pp. 449-481. (Academic Press: Cambridge, MA, USA)
Joyce, E.B., Webb, J.A., Dahlhaus, P., Grimes, K., Hill, S.M., Kotsonis, A., Martin, J., Mitchell, M., Neilson, J.L., Orr, M., Peterson, J.A., Rosengren, N., Rowan, J.N., Rowe, R.K., Sargeant, I., Stone, T., Smith, B.L., & White, S. (with material by the late JJ Jenkin) (2003). Geomorphology. In 'Geology of Victoria. Geological Society of Australia Special Publication 23'. (Ed. WD Birch) pp. 533-562. (Geological Society of Australia, Victorian Division: Melbourne)
Neilson, J.L., Peck, W.A., Wood, P.D., Dahlhaus, P., Miner, A.S., Brumley, J.C., Kenley, P.R., Wilson, R.A., Willman, C.E., & Rowan, J.N. (2003). Geological hazards. In 'Geology of Victoria. Geological Society of Australia Special Publication 23'. (Ed. WD Birch) pp. 573-592. (Geological Society of Australia, Victorian Division: Melbourne)
Dahlhaus, P., & MacEwan, R.J. (1997). Dryland salinity in South West Victoria - challenging the myth. In 'Collected case studies in engineering geology, environmental geology, hydrogeology'. (3rd series) (Ed. G McNally) pp. 165-181. (Geological Society of Australia Inc.: Sydney)
Dahlhaus, P., & O'Rourke, M. (1992). The Newer Volcanics. In 'The engineering geology of Melbourne'. (Eds. WA Peck, JL Neilson, RJ Olds and KD Seddon) pp. 205-212. (AA Balkema: Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
Dahlhaus, P. (1991). Engineering and environmental geology. In 'Introducing Victorian geology'. (Eds G Cochrane, G Quick and D Spencer-Jones) pp. 265-304. (Geological Society of Australia, Victorian Division: Melbourne)
- Journal papers
Senanayake, I.P., Pathira Arachchilage, K.R.L., Yeo, I.-Y., Khaki, M., Han, S.-C., & Dahlhaus, P. (2024). Spatial Downscaling of Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Products Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Review. Remote Sensing, 16, 2067.
Senanayake, I.P., Yeo, I-Y., Robinson, N., Dahlhaus, P., & Hancock, G.R. (2024). Identification of high-performing soil groups in grazing lands using a multivariate analysis method. Soil Security, 100163.
Weir, P., & Dahlhaus, P. (2024). Beyond soil moisture probes: improving field scale soil moisture mapping. Discover Soil, 1(1).
Weir, P., & Dahlhaus, P. (2024). Merging weather radar and rain gauges for dryland agriculture. Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science 74, ES23023.
Clark, R., Dahlhaus, P., Robinson, N., Larkins, J., & Morse-McNabb, E. (2023). Matching the model to the available data to predict wheat, barley, or canola yield: A review of recently published models and data. Agricultural Systems, 211, 103749.
Weir, P., & Dahlhaus, P. (2023). In search of pragmatic soil moisture mapping at the field scale. A review. Smart Agriculture Technology, 6, 100330.
Ali, B., & Dahlhaus, P. (2022). The Role of FAIR Data towards Sustainable Agricultural Performance: A Systematic Literature Review. Agriculture, 12, 309.
Ali, B., & Dahlhaus, P. (2022). Roles of Selective Agriculture Practices in Sustainable Agricultural Performance: A Systematic Review. Sustainability, 14(6), 3185.
Bahlo, C., & Dahlhaus, P. (2021). Livestock data – Is it there and is it FAIR? A systematic review of livestock farming datasets in Australia. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 188, 106365.
Bahlo, C., Dahlhaus, P., Thompson, H., & Trotter, M. (2019). The role of interoperable data standards in precision livestock farming in extensive livestock systems: A review. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 156, 459-466. doi: 10.1016/j.compag.2018.12.007
Hansen, B., Dahlhaus, P., Milne, R., MacLeod, A., & Pitfield, C. (2019). The Natural Resource Management Planning Portal: Perspectives for NRM Planning and Reporting. Society & Natural Resources, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/08941920.2018.1559383
Brodaric, B., Boisvert, E., Chery, L., Dahlhaus, P., Grellet, S., Kmoch, A., Létourneau, F., Lucido, J., Simons, B., & Wagner, B. (2018). Enabling global exchange of groundwater data: GroundWaterML2 (GWML2). Hydrogeology Journal, 26(3), 733-741. doi: 10.1007/s10040-018-1747-9
Brodaric, B., Boisvert, E., Dahlhaus, P., Grellet, S., Kmoch, A., Letourneau, F., Lucido, J., Simons, B., & Wagner, B. (2018). The conceptual schema in geospatial data standard design with application to GroundWaterML2. Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards, 3(15). doi: 10.1186/s40965-018-0058-3
Dahlhaus, P., Nicholson, C., Ryan, B., MacLeod, A., & Milne, R. (2018). Liberating soil data for profitable agriculture and catchment health in the Corangamite region, Australia. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 61(3), 333-339. doi: 10.1080/00288233.2018.1432491
Ebbs, D., Dahlhaus, P., Barton, A., & Kandra, H. (2018). An unexpected decrease in urban water demand: Making discoveries possible by taking a long-term view. Water Policy, 20(3), 617-630. doi: 10.2166/wp.2018.096
Robinson, N., Dahlhaus, P., Wong, M., MacLeod, A., Jones, D., & Nicholson, C. (2018). Testing the public‐private soil data and information sharing model for sustainable soil management outcomes. Soil Use and Management, 35: 94-104. doi: 10.1111/sum.12472
Ebbs, D., Dahlhaus, P., & Kandra, H. (2017). Ballarat's messy path to a water sensitive city: A long term investigation of water management in a city. Water e-Journal, 2(4), 1-10. doi: 10.21139/wej.2017.037
Al Mandalawi, M., You, G., Dowling, K., & Dahlhaus, P. (2016). Kinematic assessment of slopes at Handlebar Hill open cut mine, Mt. Isa, Queensland, Australia. International Journal of GEOMATE, 10(19): 1575-1583. doi: 10.21660/2016.19.09509
Currell, M., Gleeson, T., & Dahlhaus, P. (2016). A new assessment framework for transience in hydrogeological systems. Groundwater, 54(1), 4-14. doi: 10.1111/gwat.12300
Dahlhaus, P., Murphy, A., MacLeod, A., Thompson, H., McKenna, K., & Ollerenshaw, A. (2016). Making the invisible visible: The impact of federating groundwater data in Victoria, Australia. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 18(2), 238-255. doi: 10.2166/hydro.2015.169
Robinson, N., Dahlhaus, P., MacEwan, R.J., & Alexander, J.K. (2016). Soil data for biophysical models in Victoria, Australia: Current needs and future challenges. Geoderma Regional, 7(3), 259-270. doi: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2016.03.004
Al Mandalawi, M., You, G., Dahlhaus, P., Dowling, K., & Sabry, M. (2015). Slope stability and rockfall hazard analysis in open pit zinc mine. International Journal of GEOMATE, 8(1), 1143-1150. doi: 10.21660/2015.15.4166
Currell, M.J., Dahlhaus, P., & Ii, H. (2015). Stable isotopes as indicators of water and salinity sources in a southeast Australian coastal wetland: Identifying relict marine water, and implications for future change. Hydrogeology Journal, 23(2), 235-248. doi: 10.1007/s10040-014-1199-9
Rasiah, V., Florentine, S., & Dahlhaus, P. (2014). Environmental benefits inferred from impact of reforestation of deforested creek bank on soil conditioning: A case study in Victoria, Australia. Agroforestry Systems, 89(2), 345-355. doi: 10.1007/s10457-014-9771-9
Aucote, H.M., Miner, A., & Dahlhaus, P. (2012). Interpretation and misinterpretation of warning signage: Perceptions of rockfalls in a naturalistic setting. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 17(5), 522-529. doi: 10.1080/13548506.2011.644247
Dahlhaus, P., Miner, A.S., MacLeod, A., & Thompson, H. (2011). A web-GIS and landslide database for south west Victoria and its application to landslide zonation. Australian Geomechanics Journal, 46(2), 203-209.
Marsden, P., Miner, A.S., & Dahlhaus, P. (2011). The implementation of the AGS Guidelines in the Colac Otway Shire - History and challenges. Australian Geomechanics Journal, 46(2), 211-218.
Miner, A.S., Flentje, P., Mazengarb, C., Selkirk-Bell, J.M., & Dahlhaus, P. (2011). Some geomorphological techniques in constraining the likelihood of landsliding - Selected Australian examples. Australian Geomechanics Journal, 46(2), 195-202.
Aucote, H.M., Miner, A., & Dahlhaus, P. (2010). Rockfalls: Predicting high‐risk behaviour from beliefs. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 19(1), 20-31. doi: 10.1108/09653561011022117
Dahlhaus, P., Evans, T.J., Nathan, E.L., Cox, J.W., & Simmonds, C.T. (2010). Groundwater-level response to land-use change and the implications for salinity management in the West Moorabool River catchment, Victoria, Australia. Hydrogeology Journal, 18(7), 1611-1623. doi: 10.1007/s10040-010-0616-y
Dahlhaus, P., Cox, J.W., Simmons, C.T., & Smitt, C.M. (2008). Beyond hydrogeologic evidence: Challenging the current assumptions about salinity processes in the Corangamite region, Australia. Hydrogeology Journal, 16, 1283-1298. doi: 10.1007/s10040-008-0313-2
Muller, B.J., Dahlhaus, P., & Miner, A.S. (2006). Coastal rockfall hazard identification, Barwon Heads, Victoria. Australian Geomechanics Journal, 41(3), 85-91.
Dahlhaus, P., & Miner, A.S. (2002). Implementing the AGS Landslide Risk Management Guidelines in a municipal planning scheme - A case study in the Colac Otway Shire, Victoria. Australian Geomechanics Journal, 37(2), 199-211.
Dahlhaus, P., & Miner, A.S. (2001). Estimating the occurrence of rockfalls in columnar basalt. Australian Geomechanics Journal, 36(2), 1-6.
Dahlhaus, P., MacEwan, R.J., Nathan, E.L., & Morand, V.J. (2000). Salinity on the southeastern Dundas Tableland, Victoria. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 47(1), 3-11. doi: 10.1046/j.1440-0952.2000.00759.x
- Theses
Dahlhaus, P. (2010). Salinity Risk in the Corangamite Region, Australia
. PhD thesis. School of the Environment, Flinders University, Adelaide. 217p.
Dahlhaus, P. (1988). Engineering geological mapping for the urban development of Melton, Victoria
. M App Sci thesis. Applied Geology, RMIT, Melbourne. 190p.
- Conferences papers and abstracts
Barton, A., Dahlhaus, P., Burns, M., Chua, L., & Fletcher, T. (2024). Monitoring small farm dams for better drought planning. Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium - HWRS 2024 - 18-21 November 2024, Melbourne.
Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., Ollerenshaw, A., Robinson, N., Wong, M., Thompson, H., & Doyle, R. (2024). Creating a public-private soil data federation: the Visualising Australasia’s Soils project. Global Symposium on Soil Information and Data 2024, 25 -28 September 2024, Nanjing, China.
Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., Ollerenshaw, A., Robinson, N., Wong, M., Thompson, H., & Doyle, R. (2024). Visualising Australasia’s Soil (VAS): a novel soil research data federation. Joint NZ Society of Soil Science and Soil Science Australia 2024 Conference, 2-5 December, 2024, Rotorua, NZ.
Robinson, N., Ollerenshaw, A., Chadha, A., & Dahlhaus, P. (2024). Soil indicator choices in Australian farming systems. Joint NZ Society of Soil Science and Soil Science Australia 2024 Conference, 2-5 December, 2024, Rotorua, NZ.
Ollerenshaw, A., Staines, C., Thompson, H., & Dahlhaus, P. (2024). Visualising Australasia’s Soils: Extending the soil data federation. Impact Research Report. Milestone Report 14.2. Soil CRC project 2.3.002. Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils, Callaghan, NSW. 35p. August 2024.
Channon, J., Robinson, N., Medyckyj-Scott, D., Clarendon, S., Corbett, J., Friend, J., Ritchie, A., Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., Cahoon, S., & Huang, X. (2023). Digging deeper on soil data management. Soil Science Australia Conference, 25-30 June 2023, Darwin, NT.
Dahlhaus, P., Macleod, A., Simons, B., Neyland, A., Wong, M., Milne, R., Gillett, H., & Robinson, N. (2023). The Visualising Australasia’s Soils project: towards a federation of public and private soil data. The Soil Science Australia Conference. Our Soil: Spirit of a Nation. Darwin 25-30 June 2023.
Dahlhaus, P., Ollerenshaw, A., Staines, C., Corbett, J., & Thompson, H. (2023). Assessing the impacts of creating a soil data and dissemination system. Soil Science Australia Conference, 25-30 June 2023, Darwin, NT.
Wong, M., MacLeod, A., Simons, B., Robinson, N., Gillett, H., Neyland, A., Milne, R., Corbett, J., & Dahlhaus, P. (2021, July 5-6). Enabling soil data re-use for ecosystem management and decision making: A standards-based approach [Conference presentation]. TERN Science Symposium, Online.
Wong, M., MacLeod, A., Simons, B., Robinson, N., Gillett, H., Sexton, A., Medyckyj-Scott, D., Thompson, H., Neyland, A., Milne, R., Corbett, J., & Dahlhaus, P. (2021, July 19-23). Maximising the value of soil data: Challenges and solutions we employed. Focus: User cases of farming grower groups and Catchment Management Authorities [Conference presentation]. ESIP Summer Meeting, Online.
Al Mandalawi, M., You, G., Dahlhaus, P., Dowling, K., & Sabry, M. (2019). Analysis of a Combined Circular–Toppling Slope Failure in an Open–Pit. In: Wasowski J., Dijkstra T. (eds) Recent Research on Engineering Geology and Geological Engineering. Proceedings of the 2nd GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Egypt 2018 – The Official International Congress of the Soil-Structure Interaction Group in Egypt (SSIGE). Springer, Cham. pp:10-30 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-02032-3_2
Robinson, N., Dahlhaus, P., Feely, P., Light, K., MacLeod, A., Milne, R., Parker, J., Thompson, H., Walters, J., & Wills, B. (2019). Online Farm Trials (OFT) – the past, present and future. Cells to Satellites. 19th Australian Agronomy Conference, 25 – 29 August 2019, Wagga Wagga, NSW.
Robinson, N., Dahlhaus, P., Wong, M., Corbett, J., Cann, M., Mitchell, R., Fear, D., & Orgill, S. (2019). Farmers, advisors and researcher’s perceptions to soil organic matter. Soil Organic Matter in a stressed world. 7th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter, 6 – 11 October 2019, Adelaide. Symposium Poster Abstracts, p.95.
Robinson, N., Thompson, H., Dahlhaus, P., Feely, P., MacLeod, A., Wong, M., & Walters, J. (2019). What’s FAIR about Digital Agriculture? steeDA, Conference on science, technology, engineering and economics for Digital Agriculture, 3-5 December 2019, The University of Sydney, Australia.
Walters, D., & Dahlhaus, P. (2019). Port Phillip Bay Groundwater - The Real Value. Groundwater in a changing world. Australian Groundwater Conference 24 - 27 November 2019, Brisbane, Australia.
Al Mandalawi, M., Sabry, M., Dahlhaus, P., & Dowling K. (2018). Extension strain initiation and distribution around open pit slope. IC3G2018 International Conference on Geo-mechanics, Geo-energy and Geo-resources, September 22 - 24, 2018, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., & Simons, B. (2018). The challenges of making groundwater data FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. Groundwater and Life: Science and Technology into Action. 45th IAH Congress, September 9th - 14th, 2018, Daejeon, Korea. International Association of Hydrogeologists.
Dahlhaus, P., Simons, B., Wong, M., MacLeod, A., & Robinson, N. (2018). Making soils data FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. SOIL: The key to the past, the present and the future. National Soils Conference, November 18th - 23rd, Canberra, Australia. Soil Science Australia.
Ebbs, D., Dahlhaus, P., Barton, A., & Kandra, H. (2018). Exploring a flow regime and its historical changes downstream of an urbanised catchment. 'Creating Water Sensitive Communities' 10th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design, 12th - 15th February 2018, Perth, Australia.
Ebbs, D., Dahlhaus, P., Barton, A., & Kandra, H. (2018). Impact of urbanisation on groundwater and the downstream river; A Ballarat case study. HWRS2018 - Water and Communities, 38th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 3-6 December 2018, Melbourne.
Ebbs, D., Dahlhaus, P., Barton, A., & Kandra, H. (2018). Losing stormwater: 60 years of urbanisation and reduced downstream flow. 'Creating Water Sensitive Communities' 10th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design, 12th - 15th February 2018, Perth, Australia.
Hansen, B., Gooderham, J., Garland, I., Murphy, D., Feely, P., Sharman, M., Bonney, P., & Dahlhaus, P. (2018). National WaterbugBlitz: Citizens assessing Australian waterways. Australian Citizen Science Association Conference, Adelaide, Australia. 7-9 February 2018.
Kitagawa, H., Dahlhaus, P., & Ii, H. (2018). Estimation of the Lake Colac water balance using stable isotopic ratio of water, amount of precipitation and evaporation values in Victoria, Australia. SEE2018, 4th International Conference on Science, Engineering & Environment, November 12 - 14 2018, Nagoya, Japan. The GEOMATE International Society.
Kitagawa, H., Dahlhaus, P., & Ii, H. (2018). Groundwater and surface water interaction for Lake Colac using stable isotopic ratio of water, amount of precipitation and evaporation values in Victoria, Australia. Groundwater and Life: Science and Technology into Action. 45th IAH Congress, September 9th - 14th, 2018, Daejeon, Korea. International Association of Hydrogeologists.
Schefe, C.R., Grant, C.D., Dahlhaus, P., Robinson, N., Wong, M., Walker, R., Janik, L., Jones, D., & Fleay, B. (2018). Capturing in-paddock variability and the quest for spatial PAW prediction: a team sport. SOIL: The key to the past, the present and the future. National Soils Conference, November 18th - 23rd, Canberra, Australia. Soil Science Australia.
You, G., Jaggi, N., Al Mandalawi, M., Dowling, K., & Dahlhaus, P. (2018). Effect of faults on stability of partially saturated rock slope. IC3G2018 International Conference on Geo-mechanics, Geo-energy and Geo-resources, September 22 - 24, 2018, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
Dahlhaus, P., Thompson, H., & MacLeod, A. (2017). Towards data democracy in digital agriculture. Proceedings of the 2017 Agronomy Australia Conference, 24-28 September 2017, Ballarat, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P. & MacLeod, A. (2017). Towards data democracy in groundwater science. Australian Groundwater Conference, 11-13th July 2017, University of New South Wales, Sydney. Book of Abstracts p.169.
Ebbs, D., Dahlhaus, P., Barton, A., & Kandra, H. (2017). A city sustained by stormwater, Federation University Australia Higher Degrees by Research Conference: Making your Vision a Reality, 27 July 2017, Federation University Australia, Mt Helen.
Mendes de Jesus, J., Ribeiro, E., Medyckyj-Scott, D., Ritchie, A., Wilson, P., Dahlhaus, P., Gregory, L., MacLeod, A., & Simons, B. (2017). SoilML data exchange format and soil web services. Pedometrics 2017, 26 June-1 July (2017), Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Schaap, B., Mendes De Jesus, J.S., Ribeiro, E., Van Egmond, F.M., Medyckyj-Scott, D., Ritchie, A., Wilson, P., Baritz, R., Dahlhaus, P., Gregory, L., MacLeod, A., & Simons, B. (2017). Towards global soil data interoperability: GODAN soil data WG and SoilML (open) data exchange format. Soil Science in a Changing World, Wageningen Soil Conference, 27th - 31st August 2017, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Book of Abstracts (eds. J. Wallinga, G. Mol, T. Mulder, A. Zaal & B. Jansen) (ISBN 978-94-6343-061-6) p.112
Dahlhaus, P., & MacLeod, A. (2017). Towards data democracy in groundwater science. Groundwater Futures: Science to Practice, Australian Groundwater Conference, 11-13th July 2017, UNSW, Sydney. Book of Abstracts p.169.
You, G., Al Mandalawi, M., Soliman, A., Dowling, K., & Dahlhaus, P. (2017). Finite element analysis of rock slope stability using shear strength reduction method. GeoMEast 2017 International Conference, 'Sustainable civil infrastructures: innovative infrastructure geotechnology', 15-19 July 2017, Sharm El-Sheik, Egypt.
Bann, G., Rengasamy, P., & Dahlhaus, P. (2016). Apparent dryland salinity on the Australian uplands: causes, mechanisms, effects, mapping and management. 35th International Geological Congress. 27 August - 4 September, Cape Town, South Africa.
Dahlhaus, P., Grellet, S., Brodaric, B., Boisvert, E., Simons, B., Kmoch, A., Lucido, J., Wagner, B., Letourneau, F., & MacLeod, A. (2016). The Groundwater Interoperability Experiment 2: developing an international groundwater data exchange standard. 43rd IAH International Congress 'Groundwater and society: 60 years of IAH', 25-29 September 2016, Montpellier, France. Abstract 2223
Dahlhaus, P. (2016). Smart cities and smart regions: empowering citizens with data democracy. Newtech Ballarat - Preserving heritage in a Smart City (SIBA and DELWP). 25 October, Ballarat, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., & Thompson, H. (2016). Discovering the known unknowns: interoperably federating data to reduce the risk of past mistakes. EcoForum conference and exhibition (Australasian Land and Groundwater Association). 25-28 October, Freemantle, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P., Milne, R., Nicholson, C., Midwood, J., Breust, P., & Limmer, S. (2016). Soil sensor data for profitable agriculture. 'Soil, a balancing act downunder'. A joint conference of the New Zealand Society of Soil Science and Soil Science Australia. 12–16 December, Queenstown, New Zealand. Poster Abstracts, p.152.
Dahlhaus, P., Nicholson, C., Ryan, B., MacLeod, A., & Milne, R. (2016). Liberating soil data for profitable agriculture and catchment health in the Corangamite region, Australia. 'Soil, a balancing act downunder'. A joint conference of the New Zealand Society of Soil Science and Soil Science Australia. 12–16 December, Queenstown, New Zealand. Oral Abstracts, p. 54.
Ebbs, D., Dahlhaus, P., Barton, A., & Kandra, H. (2016). Impact of urbanisation on groundwater and the downstream river: A Ballarat case study. Water and Communities, 38th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium Melbourne, Australia Dec 3rd – 6th, 2016.
Ebbs, D., Dahlhaus, P., & Kandra, H. (2016). Ballarat's Journey to a Water Sensitive City. Federation University HDR Conference, Federation University, Mt. Helen
Ebbs, D., Dahlhaus, P., & Kandra, H. (2016). Ballarat’s journey to a water sensitive city. Presented at the RUN regional futures conference, 'Working together to build strong regional futures', Central Queensland University, 21–24 June, Rockhampton, Australia.
Ebbs, D., Kandra, H., & Dahlhaus, P. (2016). The journey to a Water Sensitive City – A case study of Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. Presented at the 56th New Zealand Hydrological Society, 37th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium and 7th IPENZ Rivers Group, ‘Water Infrastructure and the Environment’, 28 November–2 December, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Hansen, B., Pitfield, C., MacLeod, A., Novak, C., Nilsson, K., Dahlhaus, P., & Thompson, H. (2016). South West Climate Change Portal: using internet knowledge sharing and novel visualisations to engage community with climate science. Climate Adaptation 2016, 5-7 July 2016, Adelaide, Australia.
Thoms, M., Reid, M., Gell, P., Thompson, H., Dahlhaus, P., Fabbro, L., Flint, N., Chapman, J., Baldwin, C., Clark, C., Sullivan, C., & Mushtaq, S. (2016). A Regional Universities Network water flagship. 'Working together to build strong Regional Futures' RUN Regional Futures Conference, 21-24 June 2016, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton.
Murphy, A., Dahlhaus, P., & Thompson, H. (2016). Historic Urban Landscapes and Visualising Ballarat: citizen participation for sustainable urban planning and design. Locate 16: Distruptive Technology for a Smarter Society, 12-14 April 2016, Melbourne, Australia.
Murphy, A., Thompson, H., & Dahlhaus, P. (2016). Making intangibles tangible: visualisation informing, engaging and empowering community for embedding cultural heritage within the public domain. EVAA 2016: Electronic Visualisation and the Arts Australasia, 5-6 March, 2016, Canberra, Australia.
Ritchie, A., Medyckyj-Scott, D., Wilson, P., Simons, B., Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., Roudier, P., Gregory, L., & Watson, B. (2016). Developing a global soil data infrastructure - The Open Geospatial Consortium Soil Data Interoperability Experiment. Soil, a Balancing Act Downunder. Joint conference of the New Zealand Society of Soil Science and Soil Science Australia. 12-16 December 2016, Queenstown, New Zealand. Oral Abstracts, p. 112.
Dahlhaus, P., Murphy, A., MacLeod, A., Thompson, H., & McKenna, K. (2015). Changing practices: the impact of making groundwater data visible through an interoperative web portal in Victoria, Australia. AQUA2015, 42nd IAH Congress, September 13-18, 2015, Rome, Italy.
Simons, B., Nation, E., & Dahlhaus, P. (2015). Improving access to groundwater data using GroundWaterML2. 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 7-10 December, 2015, Hobart.
Jayasooriya, M., Barton, A., Dahlhaus, P., & Gell, P. (2015). An assessment of the monitoring methods for inflow and infiltration in sewer networks. 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 7-10 December, 2015, Hobart, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P., Milne, R., Hansen, B., MacLeod, A., Thompson, H., Murphy, A., & Graymore, M. (2015). The NRM Planning Portal: matching regional and local priorities to identify partnership opportunities in catchment management. Australian Citizen Science Conference 2015: Maximising the Capacity of Citizen Science for Science and Society, 23-24 July 2015, Canberra, Australia.
Almandalawi, M., You, G., Dahlhaus, P., Dowling, K., & Sabry, M. (2014). Slope stability and rockfall hazard analysis in an open pit zinc mine. Proceedings, GEOMATE2014 - the 4th International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, 19-21 November 2014, University of Southern Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P., Currell, M., Ii, H., & McKenna, K. (2014). Groundwater dependence of lakes in southwest Victoria, Australia. Groundwater: challenges and strategies. Abstracts, 41st IAH Congress, 15-19 September 2014, Marakech, Morocco. (T2 On CD)
Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., McKenna, K., & Thompson, H. (2014). Creating virtual groundwater research laboratories through interoperable technologies. Paper presented at 41st IAH Congress on Groundwater : Challenges and Strategies, 15-19 September 2014, Marrakech, Morocco.
Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., McKenna, K., Milne, R., & Thompson, H. (2014). Online information to maximise soil health. Abstracts pp.80–81. Digital Rural Futures Conference, Regional Futures. Agricultural Futures. Digital Futures, 25–27 June 2014, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia.
Shugg, A., & Dahlhaus, P. (2014). A model for the origin of carbonated mineral waters of Central Victoria
. No. 73. Mineral Waters: Genesis, Exploitation, Protection and Valorisation. Abstracts, MinWat2014, International Multidisciplinary Conference on Mineral Waters, 8-11 September 2014, Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), Czech Republic.
Thompson, H., Dahlhaus, P., & MacLeod, A. (2014). The hype and the hope: progressing towards big data insights for regional communities. Abstracts, p.53. Digital Rural Futures Conference, Regional Futures. Agricultural Futures. Digital Futures, 25 27 June 2014, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia.
Milne, R., Dahlhaus, P., Nicholson, C., Thompson, H., MacLeod, A., Feely, P., McCue, T., Gillett, H., & Corbett, J. (2014). On-line Farm Trials: a research repository for Australian grain growers. Paper presented at Digital Rural Futures, Regional futures - Agricultural Futures - Digital Futures, 25-27 June 2014, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia. Abstracts, pp.20-21.
Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., McKenna, K., & Milne, R. (2014). On-line information to maximise soil health. Abstracts pp.80-81. Digital Rural Futures Conference, Regional Futures. Agricultural Futures. Digital Futures, 25-27 June 2014, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P., Currell, M., & Ii, H. (2013). Assessing groundwater contributions to wetlands. Abstracts p23. Ramsar conference, 5-8 November 2013, Queenscliff, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., & Thompson, H. (2013). Addressing the limitations of federated groundwater bore data. Abstracts p.194. Solving the Groundwater Challenges of the 21st Century. 40th IAH Congress, 15-20 September 2013, Perth, Australia.
MacLeod, A., Dahlhaus, P., Thompson, H., James, A., & Cox, M. (2013). Web-based visualisation of 3D groundwater models. Abstracts pp. 193-194. Solving the Groundwater Challenges of the 21st Century. 40th IAH Congress, 15-20 September 2013, Perth, Australia.
Corcoran, J., Dahlhaus, P., & Thompson, H. (2013). It's all about the data - a 21st Century value proposition. Abstracts pp. 228-229. Solving the Groundwater Challenges of the 21st Century. 40th IAH Congress, 15-20 September 2013, Perth, Australia.
Miyahara, S., Ii, H., & Dahlhaus, P. (2013). Proposal of measurement method for evaporation rate for surface water using oxygen isotope in dry and humid area. Abstracts pp. 163-164. Solving the Groundwater Challenges of the 21st Century. 40th IAH Congress, 15-20 September 2013, Perth, Australia.
Abraham, J., & Dahlhaus, P. (2013). Partitioning of climate change and anthropogenic impacts on groundwater level fluctuations in the Warrion area of southern Australia. Abstracts p.229. Solving the Groundwater Challenges of the 21st Century. 40th IAH Congress, 15-20 September 2013, Perth, Australia.
MacLeod, A., Dahlhaus, P., & Thompson, H. (2013). Federating groundwater data for Victoria - the challenge of interoperability. Abstracts p.48. Digital Rural Futures. Smart Farms - Smart Regions, 26-28 June 2013, University of New England, Armidale, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P., Thompson, H., & MacLeod, A. (2013). Interoperable data - a researcher's dream? Abstracts p.43. Digital Rural Futures. Smart Farms - Smart Regions, 26-28 June 2013, University of New England, Armidale, Australia.
Currell, M., Dahlhaus, P., & Ii, H. (2012). Conceptual models of ground-surface water interaction in the Connewarre Complex. Abstracts. 15th International RiverSymposium, 8-11 October 2012, Melbourne, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., & Thompson, H. (2012). An interoperable federation of hydrogeological research data for Victoria, Australia. Abstract No. 579, p.207. Confronting Global Change. 39th IAH Congress, 16-21 September 2012, Niagara Falls, Canada.
Dahlhaus, P., Currell, M., & Ii, H. (2012). Developing conceptual models of groundwater -surface water interactions and salinity sources in a high-value estuarine wetland complex. Abstract No. 571, p.309. Confronting Global Change. 39th IAH Congress, 16-21 September 2012, Niagara Falls, Canada.
Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., & Thompson, H. (2012). Federating hydrogeological data to visualise Victoria's groundwater. Abstract No. 1382, p.592.Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress 2012, 5-10 August 2012, Brisbane, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P., Miner, A., Dunn, R., & Ackroyd, M. (2012). Geohazard assessment of sea caves at Port Campbell. Abstract No. 3223, p.3192. Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress 2012, 5-10 August 2012, Brisbane, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., & Thompson, H. (2011). UB spatial - an interoperable groundwater database. Programme and abstracts p.131. 11th Australasian Environmental Isotope Conference and 4th Australasian Hydrogeology Research Conference, 12-14 July, 2011, Rydges Tradewinds, Cairns, Australia.
Barton, A.B., Dahlhaus, P., & Elmahdi, A. (2008). Modelling of a groundwater system to assess links between reduced rainfall and falling groundwater levels. In: Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting; 29 July - 1 August 2008; Cairns. 2008.
Thompson, H., MacLeod, A., & Dahlhaus, P. (2008). Spatial infrastructure, information access and knowledge building. Proceedings, 11th Australian Conference on Knowledge Management and Intelligent Decision Support (ACKMIDS), 8-10 December 2008, University of Ballarat, Ballarat, Australia.
MacEwan, R.J., Dahlhaus, P., & Fawcett, J. (2008). Hydropedology, geomorphology and groundwater processes hold the keys to land degradation - case studies in SW Victoria, Australia. Abstracts, p.64. Proceedings, 1st International Hydropedology Conference, 28-31 July 2008, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA.
Miner, A.S., Flentje, P., Mazengarb, C., Selkirk-Bell, J.M., & Dahlhaus, P. (2008). A review of some geomorphological techniques in constraining the likelihood of landsliding - selected Australian examples. (Eds ZY Chen, ZW Li, Z Fa-Quan, KW Jain-Min) Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on landslides and engineered slopes: past to the future, 30 June-4 July 2008, Xi'an, China.
Herczeg, A., Barton, A., & Dahlhaus, P. (2008). Hydrochemical methods for rapid assessment of groundwater contribution to Wetlands. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(23), Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting Supplement, Abstract H34A-01. Available at
Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, 29 July-1 August 2008, Cairns, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P., & Fawcett, J. (2008). Salinity without rising watertables: salinity processes and risk assessment in south-west Victoria, Australia. 2nd International Salinity Forum. Salinity, water and society - global issues, local action, 30 March-4 April2008. Adelaide, Australia. (on CD).
Fawcett, J., Norton, R., Dahlhaus, P., Fitzpatrick, R., & Gardner, W. (2008). Dryland salinity associated with primary groundwater discharge zones in south west Victoria. 2nd International Salinity Forum. Salinity, water and society - global issues, local action, 30 March-4 April 2008, Adelaide, Australia. (on CD).
Barton, A.B., Herczeg, A.L., Dahlhaus, P., & Cox, J.W. (2007). Quantifying groundwater dependence of wetlands in a volcanic plain, south-eastern Australia. Groundwater and Ecosystems. Proceedings of the XXXV IAH Congress, 17-21 September, Lisbon, Portugal.
Barton, A., Cox, J., Dahlhaus, P., & Herczeg, A. (2006). Groundwater flows and groundwater-surface water interactions in the Corangamite CMA region. Regolith 2006. Consolidation and Dispersion of Ideas. Proceedings, CRC LEME symposium, November 2006, Hahndorf Resort, Australia
MacEwan, R.J., Dahlhaus, P., & Fawcett, J. (2006). Hydropedology, geomorphology and groundwater processes hold the keys to land degradation - case studies in SW Victoria, Australia. Abstract 107-114, p231. 18th World Congress of Soil Science, 'Frontiers of Soil Science', 9-15 July 006, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Dahlhaus, P. (2006). A standard approach to salinity risk management. Extended abstracts. Australian Earth Sciences Convention, 2-7 July 2006, Melbourne, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P., Miner, A.S., Feltham, W., & Clarkson, T.C. (2006). The impact of landslides and erosion in the Corangamite region, Victoria, Australia. 'Engineering geology for tomorrow's cities' 10th IAEG Congress, 6-10 September 2006, Nottingham, UK.
Miner, A.S., & Dahlhaus, P. (2006). Geohazard risk management for municipal planning in the Corangamite region, Victoria, Australia. 'Engineering geology for tomorrow's cities' 10th IAEG Congress, Nottingham, UK, 6-10 September 2006.
Miner, A.S., & Dahlhaus, P. (2006). Geohazard risk management for municipal planning in the Corangamite region, Victoria, Australia. In 'Engineering geology for tomorrow's cities. Engineering geology special publications 22. Insert, paper 502'. (Eds MG Culshaw, HJ Reeves, I Jefferson and TW Spink) (Geological Society: London) (on CD-ROM)
Smitt, C.M., Cox, J.W., & Dahlhaus, P. (2005). Defining a framework for managing saline dependent and affected ecosystems: Glenelg Hopkins CMA case study. 'Where waters meet.' International Association of Hydrogeologists. Proceedings NZHS-IAH-NZSSS Auckland 2005 Conference, 28 November-2 December 2005, Auckland, New Zealand.
Dahlhaus, P., & Cox, J.W. (2005). Geomorphic and historical evidence of salinity in the Corangamite region, Australia - Implications for current salinity management. Poster presentation abstracts, pp. 47-50. International Salinity Forum. Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Social Issues, 25-27 April 2005, Riverside, California.
Cox, J.W., Smitt, C.M., & Dahlhaus, P. (2005). A framework for setting salinity targets: Glenelg Hopkins CMA case study. Oral presentation abstracts, pp. 133-136. International Salinity Forum. Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Social Issues, 25-27 April 2005, Riverside, California.
Dahlhaus, P. (2005). Salinity risk management. UrbanSalt 2005 Seminar: Risk, Responsibility and Local Government, 13 September 2005, Blacktown Council, Blacktown, Sydney, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P. (2004). Characterising groundwater flow systems for salinity management in the Corangamite Region, Australia. Groundwater Flow Understanding from Local to Regional Scales, Proceedings XXXIII IAH & 7th ALHSUD Congress, 11-15 October 2004, Zacatecas, Mexico. (on CD)
Dahlhaus, P., & Miner, A.S. (2002). A geomorphic approach to estimating the likelihood of landslides in South West Victoria, Australia. Extended abstracts p.350. Engineering Geology for Developing Countries: Proceedings 9th Congress, International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment, 16-20 September 2002, Durban, South Africa. (Full paper on CD)
Dahlhaus, P., & Miner, A.S. (2000). Estimating the occurrence of rockfalls in columnar basalt. Extended abstract, Vol. 2, pp.36. GeoEng 2000 Proceedings of International Conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering, 19-24 November 2000, Melbourne, Australia. (full ppaer on CD-ROM)
Hughes, M.J., Carey, S.P., & Dahlhaus, P. (1999). Controls of placer gold deposition in the Victorian gold province. Workshop abstracts. Exploring ancient landscapes, Minerals Group, Primary Industries and Resources SA (PIRSA), Adelaide, 10 December 1999, Adelaide, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P., & Miner, A.S. (1998). Stability of clay slopes in south west Victoria, Australia. Vol. III, pp. 1551-1557. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment, 21-25 September 1998, Vancouver, Canada.
Fawcett, J., & Dahlhaus, P. (1998). Regolith hydrology of the Dundas Tablelands - an investigation of soil waterlogging and salinity. Abstract 49. p.138. Geological Society of Australia 14th Australian Geological Convention, 6-10 July 1998, Townsville, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P., & MacEwan, R.J. (1997). Land degradation in dissected Tertiary sediments as a result of tree clearing. Abstracts p.8. GEOENV '97 International Symposium on Geology and Environment, 1-5 September 1997, Istanbul, Turkey.
MacEwan, R.J., & Dahlhaus, P. (1997). Environmental planning and community participation - an Australian case study. Abstracts p.222. GEOENV '97 International Symposium on Geology and Environment, 1-5 September 1997, Istanbul, Turkey.
Dahlhaus, P., & MacEwan, R.J. (1996). A new conceptual model for salinity processes on the eastern Dundas Tablelands, Victoria - implications for the land manager. Abstract 41, p.104. Geological Society of Australia, 13th Australian Geological Convention, 19-23 February 1996, Canberra, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P., & MacEwan, R.J. (1996). Dryland salinity in south west Victoria - questioning the myth. Abstracts Vol. 2, pp.57-58, Australian and New Zealand National Soils Conference, 1-4 July 1996, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P., & MacEwan, R.J. (1996). Dryland salinity in the eastern Dundas Tablelands - a new conceptual model. Abstracts, Vol. 3, pp. 53-54, Australian and New Zealand National Soils Conference, 1-4 July 1996, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P., Buenen, B.J., & MacEwan, R.J. (1996). Landslide studies in the Heytesbury Region, south west Victoria. Abstracts, Vol. 3, pp. 55-56. Australian and New Zealand National Soils Conference, 1-4 July 1996, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia.
MacEwan, R.J., & Dahlhaus, P. (1996). Raising the profile with Western District farmers - soils training for the landholder. Abstracts, Vol. 2, pp. 157-158. Australian and New Zealand National Soils Conference, 1-4 July 1996, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia.
MacEwan, R.J., & Dahlhaus, P. (1996). Hydrology, pedology and dryland salinity in the granitic landscape of the Upper Woady Yaloak Catchment: implications for management. Abstracts, Vol. 2, pp. 155-156. Australian and New Zealand National Soils Conference, 1-4 July 1996, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia.
MacEwan, R.J., Dahlhaus, P., Robertson, E.H., & Eldridge, R.E. (1996). Waterlogging and dryland salinity as influenced by pedogeomorphic history in the Simpson area. Abstracts, Vol 3, pp. 145-146. Australian and New Zealand National Soils Conference, 1-4 July 1996, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia.
- Major reports (research and consulting), magazine and newspaper articles and other publications
Barlow, K., Brown, M., Dahlhaus, P., Dowell, S., Fest, B., Gillett, H., Hansen, B., Milne, R., Neyland, A., & Thompson, H. (2024). Optimised Carbon and Nutrient Management Final Report. Food Agility CRC, Sydney. 66c4200c97bb3c02425a5d8d_FA107 Final Report Optimised Carbon and Nutrient Management.pdf (
Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., Ollerenshaw, A., Gillett, H., Reynolds, A., Robinson, N., Wong, M., Thompson, H., MacEwan, R., Feely, P., Archer, R., Hartwig K., Senanayake, I., & Yeo, I-Y. (2024). Visualising Australasia’s Soils: extending the soil data federation. Phase 2 (2021 – 2024). Project 2.3.002 Final Report. Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils (Soil CRC). 126p.
Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., Thompson, H., Ollerenshaw, A., Robinson, N., & MacEwan, R. (2024). Implementing private sector data sharing. Visualising Australasia’s Soils project. Milestone Report 13.1. Soil CRC Project 2.3.002. Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils, Callaghan, NSW. 14p.
MacLeod, A., Gillett, H., Simons, B., Wong, M., Reynolds, A., Martin, C., Archer, R., & Dahlhaus, P. (2024). Visualising Australasia’s Soils: Phase 2 System Architectures. Milestone Report 14.3. Soil CRC Project 2.3.002. Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils, Callaghan, NSW. 51p. August 2024
Robinson, N., Ollerenshaw, A., Chadha, A., Senanayake, I., Yeo, I-Y., Dahlhaus, P., & Hancock, G. (2024). Matching soil performance indicators to farming systems. Project 2.1.006. Final Report. Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils (Soil CRC). 96p.
Dahlhaus P., Fest B., & Pope R. (2023). Understanding Soil Resources for Radiata Pine Plantation Productivity: Discussion Document. NIFPI Project NIF164-2122 [NV068] progress report. 22 December 2023. 84p
Dahlhaus, P., Thompson, H., Milne, R., Archer, R., Sadiq, A., Corbett, J., & Staines, C. (2023). Corangamite Spatial Information Plan. Research report for Corangamite Catchment Management Authority, Final Report 27 July 2023. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University Australia. 97p.
Bonney, P., & Dahlhaus, P. (2021). Mine Rehabilitation Trials Online – Progress Report 1. Cooperative Research Centre for Transitions in Mining Economies (CRC TiME), WA. 23p.
Bonney, P., & Dahlhaus, P. (2021). Mine Rehabilitation Trials Online – Progress Report 2. Cooperative Research Centre for Transitions in Mining Economies (CRC TiME), WA. 21p.
Dahlhaus, P., Bahlo, C., & MacLeod, A. (2021). Accessing Australian soil carbon data. Research report for Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, Final report 14 May 2021. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University Australia. 95p.
Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., Medyckyj-Scott, D., Simons, B., Bahlo, C., Sexton, A., Thompson, H., Wong, M., Robinson, N., Milne, R., Neyland, A., Gillett, H., & Ollerenshaw, A. (2021). Visualising Australasia’s Soils: A Soil CRC Interoperable Spatial Knowledge System. Phase 1 (2019 – 2021). Project 2.3.001 Final Report. Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils (Soil CRC). 119p.
Dahlhaus, P., Pope, R., & Milne, R. (2021). Improving water security for farms and lakes in the northern Lake Corangamite Area. Progress Report to October 2021 for Lismore Land Protection Group. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University Australia. 23p.
Lemon, D., & Dahlhaus, P. (2021). Mine Rehabilitation Trials Online (MRTO) – Social Architecture. CSIRO report for the Cooperative Research Centre for Transitions in Mining Economies (CRC TiME), CSIRO Land and Water, Canberra. 18p.
Dahlhaus, P., Nicholson, C., Pope, R., & Milne, R. (2020). Preparing landholders for climate change in the Woady Yaloak Catchment. Community Climate Change Adaptation Program 2019. Research report for the Woady Yaloak Catchment Group Inc. 31 December 2020. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University Australia. 35p.
Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., Ferguson, D., Walters, D., & Feely, P. (2020). Arsenic data in the Victorian Central Goldfields Region: a text mining and data extraction experiment. Research report for EPA Victoria, 21 December 2020. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University Australia. 11p.
Lloyd, L., Dahlhaus, P., & Clarke, S. (2020). Final Report of the Lower Moorabool River Groundwater and FLOWS Project. Report for the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority by Lloyd Environmental in conjunction with Federation University and Streamology. June 2020. 64p.
Dahlhaus, P. (2019). Visualising Australasia’s Soils: A Soil CRC interoperable spatial knowledge system. Governance and Data Stewardship Guidelines. Discussion Paper. Soil CRC Project 2.3.001. Milestone 4 report. Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils (Soil CRC), Callaghan, NSW. 22p.
McInnes, K.L., Hernaman, V., Lauchlan Arrowsmith, C., Dahlhaus, P., Walters, D., Rosengren, N., Prakash, M., Hemer, M., Hoeke, R., O’Grady, J., & Gregory, R. (2019). Port Phillip Bay Coastal Hazard Assessment. Gap Analysis. CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere.
Dahlhaus, P., & Walters, D.J. (2019). Port Phillip Bay Coastal Hazard Assessment – groundwater component: Review of literature, data and information gaps. Final Report for CSIRO, 30 April 2019. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University.
Allan, C., Beange, L., Bi, R., Cockfield, G., Dahlhaus, P., Duan, S., Falepau, D., Friend, J., Higgins, V., Jenkins, A., Leith, P., Luke, H., Miles, M., Minkey, D., Pembleton, K., Saravanamuthu, K., & Doran-Browne, N. (2018). Scoping systems of acceptance of improved soil management, with a focus on decision support systems and tools. Newcastle, Australia: Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils.
Dahlhaus, P. (2018). Barwon Downs Borefield: Review of literature and identification of issues. Ballarat, Australia: Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University.
Dahlhaus, P. (2018). Gilgai and reactive soil geohazards in the City of Melton, including the Planning Application for a Place of Worship at 171-197 Harkness Rd, Harkness. Ballarat, Australia: Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University. 40p.
Dahlhaus, P., Bennett, J.M., Corbett, J., Crawford, D., Grelet, G., Imhof, M., MacLeod, A., Mele, P.M., Stevenson, B., Wells, N., & Wong, M. (2018). A review of indicators of soil health and function: Farmers' needs and data management. Newcastle, Australia: Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils.
Pembleton, K., Ghahramani, A., Kodur, S., Kath, J., Dahlhaus, P., Whatmuff, M., Li Liu, D., & Saravanamuthu, K. (2018). Soil models, tools and data: Current state of play, future directions and setting up for longevity and a legacy from the CRC for High Performance Soils. Newcastle, Australia: Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils, June 2018, 37p.
Dahlhaus, P., Nicholson, C., Ryan, B., MacLeod, A., & Milne, R. (2017). Federating Private and Public Soil Data: The Corangamite Soil Health Knowledge Base Project. Profile. Issue 183, March 2017. Soil Science Australia newsletter. pp:22-23 ISSN:2207-4082
Dahlhaus, P., & Thompson, H. (2017). EPA Victoria: A proposal for collaborative partnership in eResearch. Co-developing next generation data delivery and knowledge management systems. Discussion paper. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation. Federation University Australia. 22nd December 2017, 13p.
Dahlhaus, P., & Thompson, H. (2017). Precision Agriculture: A proposal for collaborative eResearch in agriculture. A partnership to develop digital tools to enhance precision agriculture services. Discussion paper. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation. Federation University Australia. 23rd February 2017, 23p.
Brodaric, B., Boisvert, E., Lucido, J., Simons, B., Dahlhaus, P., Grellet, S., Chery, L., & Kmoch, A. (2016). OGC WaterML 2: Part 4 - GroundWaterML 2 (GWML2). Open Geospatial Consortium. Document 16-032r2, Version 2.2. (Ed. B Brodaric). Available at
Dahlhaus, P., & Thompson, H. (2016). Visualising Victoria's environment: Collaborative development of online tools for State of Environment reporting. Discussion paper. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation. Federation University Australia. 21p.
Dahlhaus, P., Thompson, H., Murphy, A., & Hansen, B. (2016). Waterwatch and EstuaryWatch portals: A collaborative research partnership to develop online tools to enhance citizen science, data collection and provision and information sharing. Discussion paper. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation. Federation University Australia. 21p.
Murphy, A., McKenna, K., Milne, R., Taylor, M., Corbett, J., Dahlhaus, P., & Thompson, H. (2016). Online Farm Trials (OFT) Impact Research: eResearch (First Wave) Extended Timeframe Research Study. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University Australia (Ballarat).107p.
Dahlhaus, P. (2015). Corangamite soil health research project: literature review and gap analysis. Research report for the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University Australia (Ballarat). 57p.
Dahlhaus, P. (2015). Expert witness report: 11 Northgate Drive, Melton West, Victoria. Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal - VCAT reference No. D1239/2013. Report prepared for Goldsmiths Lawyers, West Melbourne. 25p.
Dahlhaus, P., & Thompson, H. (2015). Cotton Research and Development Corporation - eResearch Knowledge Base: Online data and tools to enhance Australian cotton research. Discussion Paper. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation. Federation University Australia. 15p.
Dahlhaus, P., & Thompson, H. (2015). Water for Australian Agriculture: Short Concept Proposal: Visualising Australia's Groundwater. Prepared for Minderoo Group, Dalkeith, Western Australia. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation. Federation University Australia. 14p.
Murphy, A., Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., Thompson, H., McKenna, K., Ollerenshaw, A., Corbett, J., & McDonald, K. (2015). Visualising Victoria’s Groundwater: researching and analysing Impact. Phase 1, first wave research report prepared for the Collaborative Internet Innovation Fund. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation. Federation University Australia.
Murphy, A., Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., Thompson, H., McKenna, K., Tsilemanis, A., Ollerenshaw, A., & Corbett, J. (2015). Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) and Visualising Ballarat – eResearch (First Wave) extended timeframe research study. Report prepared for City of Ballarat and UNESCO. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation. Federation University Australia.
Dahlhaus, P. (2014). Stanley Rural Community Inc.: Expert witness report. Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal - VCAT reference No. P793/2014. Report prepared for Stanley Rural Community Inc. 12p.
Dahlhaus, P., & Thompson, H. (2014). Corangamite eResearch. A collaborative research partnership to develop online tools that will enhance community engagement in catchment management in the Corangamite region. Discussion Paper. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation. Federation University Australia. 13p.
Dahlhaus, P., & Thompson, H. (2014). GRDC eResearch: Online knowledge base, research data and tools to enhance Australian grains research. Discussion Paper. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation. Federation University Australia. 12p.
Dahlhaus, P., & Thompson, H. (2014). Visualising Ballarat - past, present, future. A collaborative research proposal to develop online tools to support Ballarat's Historic Urban Landscape program. Discussion Paper. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation. Federation University Australia. 11p.
Dahlhaus, P., Thompson, H., McKenna, K., & Milne, R. (2014). Building resilience in farming and agribusiness - Victorian adaptation sustainability partnerships. Literature review and gap analysis. Ballarat, Australia: Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University. 36p.
Ollerenshaw, A., Dahlhaus, P., McDonald, K., Courvisanos, J., Graymore, M., Thompson, H., Sheil, H., Miner, A., & Corbett, J. (2014). Understanding the 2011 Grampians natural disaster, addressing the risk and resilience. Final Report. Centre for eCommerce and Communications, Federation University Australia. 131p.
Dahlhaus, P. (2013). Colac Otway Shire salinity management overlay - Revision of boundaries (January 2013). Buninyong, Australia: Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Dahlhaus, P. (2013). Expert witness report: Colac Otway Shire salinity management overlay (April 2013). Buninyong, Australia: Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Dahlhaus, P. (2013). Hydrogeology of Geelong: Literature review and gap analysis. Buninyong, Australia: Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Dahlhaus, P., & Currell, M.J. (compilers) (2013). Excursion notes. IAH-AIG Victoria 2013 Field excursion 'Hydrogeology and geomorphology of the Lake Connewarre Complex', 23 November 2013.
Dahlhaus, P., & Reeves, J. (compilers) (2013). Excursion notes. Ramsar Workshop 'Detecting change in ecological character'. 5-8 November 2013. Queenscliff, Australia.
Dahlhaus, P. (2012). Colac Otway Shire salinity management overlay: Review of mapping boundaries. Buninyong, Australia: Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Dahlhaus, P., & Rose, G. (2012). Drying lakes: Sediments and dust study. Ballarat, Australia: University of Ballarat.
Dahlhaus, P., & Rose, G. (2012). Drying lakes: Sediments and dust study. Report on Lake Colac. Ballarat, Australia: University of Ballarat.
Helm, L., Fawcett, J., & Dahlhaus, P. (2012). Assessing spring-based groundwater dependent ecosystems: Case study for the Bungaree WSPA. Melbourne, Australia: Sinclair Knight Merz.
Lloyd, L.N., Cooling, M.P., Kerr, G.K., Dahlhaus, P., & Gippel, C.J. (2012). Flow/ecology relationships and scenarios for the Lower Barwon Wetlands environmental entitlement. Draft Final Report. Mount Waverley, Australia: Lloyd Environmental Pty Ltd.
Cooling, M.P., Faast, R., & Dahlhaus, P. (2011). Confirming native vegetation objectives for environmental watering of the lower Barwon wetlands. Colac, Australia: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.
Miner, A.S., & Dahlhaus, P. (2011). Review of land stability at Sturgess Point, Port Campbell. Geelong, Australia: AS Miner Geotechnical in association with Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Miner, A.S., & Dahlhaus, P. (2011). Revision of Colac Otway Shire's erosion management overlay. Geelong, Australia: AS Miner Geotechnical in association with Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Barton, A.B., Herczeg, A.L., Dahlhaus, P., & Cox, J.W. (2008). Hydrological and geochemical processes controlling salinity of the groundwater dependent ecosystems in the Corangamite CMA. Water for a Healthy Country report series. Adelaide, Australia: CSIRO Land and Water.
Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (2008). Acid sulfate soils. Corangamite Catchment Management Authority Training Manual. Colac, Australia: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.
Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (2008). Landslides. Corangamite Catchment Management Authority Training Manual. Colac, Australia: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.
Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (2008). Soil erosion. Corangamite Catchment Management Authority Training Manual. Colac, Australia: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.
Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (2008). Salinity. Corangamite Catchment Management Authority Training Manual. Colac, Australia: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.
Dahlhaus, P., & Miner, A.S. (2008). Water quality assessment report at The Dell, Clifton Springs. Geelong, Australia: AS Miner Geotechnical in association with Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Miner, A.S., & Dahlhaus, P. (2008). Clifton Springs Hydro Study. Geelong, Australia: AS Miner Geotechnical.
Clarkson, T., Crook, I., & Dahlhaus, P. (2007). Corangamite soil health strategy 2006-2012. A guide for investment to protect natural and built assets. Colac, Australia: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.
Cox, J.W., Dahlhaus, P., Herczeg, A.L., Crosbie, R., Davies, P., & Dighton, J. (2007). Defining groundwater flow systems on the volcanic plains to accurately assess the risks of salinity and impacts of changed landuse. Adelaide, Australia: CSIRO Land and Water.
Dahlhaus, P., Billows, C.A., Carey, S.P., Gwyther, J., & Nathan, E. (2007). Lake Connewarre values project: Literature review. Colac, Australia: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.
Fitzpatrick, R., Hicks, W., Marvanek, S., Raven, M., Dahlhaus, P., & Cox, J. (2007). Scoping study of coastal and inland acid sulfate soils in the Corangamite CMA. Adelaide, Australia: CSIRO Land and Water.
Dahlhaus, P. (2006). Colac Otway Shire salinity management overlay: Salinity occurrences and mapping. Background Report 2. Buninyong, Australia: Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Dahlhaus, P. (2006). Corangamite Shire salinity management overlay: Salinity occurrences and mapping. Background Report 3. Buninyong, Australia: Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Dahlhaus, P., & Clarkson, T. (2006). Corangamite soil health strategy: Identifying processes threatening assets and setting priorities Background Report, Corangamite Soil Health Strategy. Colac, Australia: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.
Dahlhaus, P. (2006). Golden Plains Shire salinity management overlay: Salinity occurrences and mapping. Background Report 1. Buninyong, Australia: Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Dahlhaus, P. (2006). Surf Coast Shire salinity management overlay: Salinity occurrences and mapping. Background Report 4. Buninyong, Australia: Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Ecological Associates (2006). Reedy Lake groundwater and ecology investigation. Adelaide, Australia: Ecological Associates.
EnPlan-DBA (2006). Salinity management overlays for the Colac Otway, Corangamite, Golden Plains and Surf Coast Shires. Geelong, Australia: EnPlan-DBA in association with Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd, and Chris Harty Planning and Environmental Management.
EnPlan-DBA (2006). Standards for building in a saline environment: Construction of dwellings and outbuildings. Geelong, Australia: EnPlan-DBA with Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd and Chris Harty Planning and Environmental Management.
Fabris, G., Kitching, M., Gason, A., Dahlhaus, P., & Allinson, G. (2006). Investigation of sediment source to the lower Barwon River from the Moorabool and Barwon River Basins. Queenscliff, Australia: Primary Industries Research Victoria, Environmental Health and Chemistry, Department of Primary Industries.
Nicholson, C., Dahlhaus, P., Anderson, G., Kelliher, C.K., & Stephens, M. (2006). Corangamite salinity action plan: 2005-2008. Colac, Australia: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.
Cox, J.W., Dahlhaus, P., Davies, P., & Clarkson, T. (2005). Investigation into the potential risk of acid sulphate soils on proposed development in the City of Greater Geelong. Adelaide, Australia: CSIRO Land and Water.
Dahlhaus, P. (2005). Corangamite salinity action plan: Recharge mapping. Buninyong, Australia: Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Dahlhaus, P., Smitt, C.M., Cox, J.W., & Nicholson, C. (2005). Corangamite salinity action plan: Setting resource condition targets. Background Report 9, Corangamite Salinity Action Plan. Colac, Australia: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.
Kelliher, C.K., Tucker, K., Dahlhaus, P., Nicholson, C., & Anderson, G. (2005). Investment plan: Benefit-cost analysis, cost sharing and priority setting. Corangamite Salinity Action Plan Background Report 5. Colac, Australia: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.
Dahlhaus, P. (2004). Proposed industrial waste containment facility sites at Pittong: Review of site selection criteria. Buninyong, Australia: Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Dahlhaus, P. (2004). Water for Growth project: Runoff estimation, Mininera East - Stockyard Hill project area. Buninyong, Australia: Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Dahlhaus, P. (2004). Water for Growth project: Runoff estimation, Winchelsea - Inverleigh project area. Buninyong, Australia: Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Dahlhaus, P., Heislers, D.S., Brewin, D., Leonard, J.G., Dyson, P.R., & Cherry, D.P. (2004). Port Phillip and Westernport groundwater flow systems. Melbourne, Australia: Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority.
Dahlhaus, P., Muller, B.J., Dixon, M., Feltham, W., Beattie, N.M., & Smith, R. (2004). Groundwater monitoring guidelines and review. Ballarat, Australia: Geology, University of Ballarat.
Dahlhaus, P. (2003). Process for the initial selection and validation of target areas for salinity management. Corangamite salinity action plan. Background Report 2. Colac, Australia: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.
Dahlhaus, P. (2003). Salinity target areas: Assessment, trends, resource condition targets and management options. Corangamite Salinity Action Plan: Background Report 3. Colac, Australia: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.
Dahlhaus, P., Cox, J., MacEwan, R.J., & Codd, P. (2003). Victorian volcanic plains scoping study. Adelaide, Australia: CSIRO Land and Water.
Dahlhaus, P., Miner, A.S., & Briggs, W. (2003). Colac Otway Shire. Coastal community revitalisation project. Kennett River, Separation Creek and Wye River. Buninyong, Australia: Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Dahlhaus, P., Nicholson, C., Anderson, G., Shovelton, J., & Stephens, M. (2003). Regional overview. Corangamite Salinity Action Plan Background Report 1. Colac, Australia: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.
Dahlhaus, P., Nicholson, C., Anderson, G., & Tucker, K. (2003). Catchment health sites, monitoring and research. Corangamite salinity action plan. Background Report 6. Colac, Australia: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.
Robinson, N., Rees, D., Reynard, K., MacEwan, R.J., Dahlhaus, P., Imhof, M., Boyle, G., & Baxter, N. (2003). A land resource assessment of the Corangamite region. Bendigo, Australia: Department of Primary Industries.
Tucker, K., Dahlhaus, P., Nicholson, C., & Anderson, G. (2003). Investment plan, benefit-cost analysis, cost sharing and priority setting. Corangamite salinity action plan. Background Report 5. Colac, Australia: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.
Dahlhaus, P., Heislers, D.S., & Dyson, P.R. (2002). Groundwater flow systems: Glenelg Hopkins CMA GHCMA 02/02. Hamilton, Australia: Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority.
Dahlhaus, P., Heislers, D.S., & Dyson, P.R. (2002). Groundwater flow systems: Corangamite CMA. Colac, Australia: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.
Dahlhaus, P., & Kinghorn, P. (2001). Black Hill Reserve. Assessment of geological hazards. Buninyong, Australia: Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Dahlhaus, P., & Miner, A.S. (2001). Colac Otway Shire: Landslide risk management - Final report. Buninyong, Australia: Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd.
Dahlhaus, P., & Miner, A.S. (2000). Colac Otway Shire land capability assessment: Review of landslide risk management - Interim report. Buninyong, Australia: Dahlhaus Environmental Geology Pty Ltd in association with PJ Yttrup & Associates Pty Ltd.
Dahlhaus, P., Reid, M., & Cheng, X. (2000). Broken and North Goulburn Plain salinity study: Salinity processes summary. Bendigo, Australia: Department of Natural Resources and Environment.
Miner, A.S., & Dahlhaus, P. (2000). Preliminary study of seismic risk for the City of Greater Geelong. Geelong, Australia: PJ Yttrup & Associates Pty Ltd.
Dahlhaus, P., Davidson, A., MacEwan, R.J., Morand, V.J., Nathan, E., Robinson, N., & Cossens, B. (1999). Bulart Landcare research 1997-1998. Ballarat, Australia: Geology, University of Ballarat.
Dahlhaus, P., MacEwan, R.J., Perry, R.J., Fawcett, J., Paine, M.D., Nathan, E., & Morand, V.J. (1997). Landcare research projects 1995 and 1996. Ballarat, Australia: Geology, University of Ballarat.
Dahlhaus, P., & Woof, C. (1995). Bulart Salinity Study II, groundwater and soils. Report for the Bulart Land Management Group
. University of Ballarat, Mt Helen, Vic. 12p.
Jerinic, F.L., & Dahlhaus, P. (1994). Bulart salinity study. Ballarat, Australia: University of Ballarat.
Dahlhaus, P. (1992). Geological investigation of a landslide at the eastern end of the Lal Lal Falls Reserve. Ballarat, Australia: Ballarat University College.
Dahlhaus, P., & Dorricott, M. (1990). Lal Lal Falls Reserve: Geological report. Ballarat, Australia: Ballarat University College.
Dahlhaus, P., & Carroll, R. (1989). Ballarat industrial clay resources study. Ballarat, Australia: Ballarat Regional Board for Planning and Development and Geology Department, Ballarat College of Advanced Education.
Cecil, M.K., Dahlhaus, P., & Neilson, J.L. (1988). Lower Barwon - Lake Connewarre Study. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report 1988/45
Department of Industry, Technology & Resources, Victoria, Melbourne. 71p.
Cooney, A.M., & Dahlhaus, P. (1987). Notes on remote sensing techniques. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report 1987/61
. Department of Industry, Technology & Resources, Victoria, Melbourne.
Dahlhaus, P., Cooney, A.M., & Neilson, J.L. (1987). ANZ Slide '87: field workshop on landslides, Victorian section, August 4-5, 1987. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report 1987/38
. Department of Industry, Technology & Resources, Victoria, Melbourne. 13p.
Dahlhaus, P. (1986). Engineering geology of Melton - a review. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report 1986/1
. Department of Industry, Technology & Resources, Victoria, Melbourne. 77p.
Dahlhaus, P. (1986). Engineering geology of Melton - the Melton Development Area. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report 1986/2
. Department of Industry, Technology & Resources, Victoria, Melbourne. 8p.
Dahlhaus, P. (1986). Engineering geology of Melton - drilling, testing and mapping program. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report 1986/3
. Department of Industry, Technology & Resources, Victoria, Melbourne. 39p.
Dahlhaus, P. (1986). Engineering geology of Melton - geology and geomorphology. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report 1986/4
. Department of Industry, Technology & Resources, Victoria, Melbourne. 34p.
Dahlhaus, P. (1986). Engineering geology of Melton - engineering geology. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report 1986/5
. Department of Industry, Technology & Resources, Victoria, Melbourne. 47p.
Dahlhaus, P. (1986). Engineering geology of Melton - map presentation of data. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report 1986/6
. Department of Industry, Technology & Resources, Victoria, Melbourne. 11p.
Dahlhaus, P. (1986). Engineering geology of Melton - summary. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report. 1986/7
. Department of Industry, Technology & Resources, Victoria, Melbourne. 12p.
Dahlhaus, P. (1985). Geotechnical investigation for proposed regional cemetery at Pakenham: Soil test report. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report 1985/65
. Department of Minerals and Energy, Victoria, Melbourne.
Dahlhaus, P. (1985). An engineering geological investigation of the Urban Land Authority's property, Melton. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report 1985/50
. Department of Minerals and Energy, Victoria, Melbourne. 33p.
Dahlhaus, P. (1985). Shire of Tullaroop: Gravel resource investigation: Laboratory test results. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report 1985/11
. Department of Minerals and Energy, Victoria, Melbourne.
Dahlhaus, P. (1984). Results of Westgate Park site soil tests. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report 1984/89
. Department of Minerals and Energy, Victoria, Melbourne.
Dahlhaus, P. (1984). Engineering geological investigation of proposed cemetery site at Melton. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report 1984/77
. Department of Minerals and Energy, Victoria, Melbourne. 99p.
Dahlhaus, P. (1983). Operation manual for Direct Shearbox Apparatus WF 25300. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report 1983/106
. Department of Minerals and Energy, Victoria, Melbourne.
Dahlhaus, P. (1982). Engineering geological investigation of proposed cemetery site at Bundoora. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report 1982/77
. Department of Minerals and Energy, Victoria, Melbourne.
Principal supervisor
- Robert Clark (PhD Student, Federation University) - Predicting crop yield within the growing season at sub-paddock scale: a big data approach
- Rekha Attanayake (PhD Student, Federation University) - Lime, its qualities and cost-effectiveness in addressing soil acidity in south-eastern Australia
- Peter Weir (PhD Student, Federation University) - In-Paddock Variability of Plant Available Water
- Andrew MacLeod (PhD Student, Federation University) - Advancing syntactic and semantic interoperability for data in the agricultural and food industries
Associate supervisor
- Ben Buurman (PhD Student, Federation University) - Signal propagation characteristics in under- and above-ground sensor communications in precision agriculture
- Adam Marshall (PhD Student, Federation University) - Regional perspectives of seasonal and long term hydroclimatic, catchment and streamflow variability across West Central Victoria
Completed supervisions
- Basharat Ali PhD (2023) - Precision conservation agricultural practices (PCAPs) and agriculture performance: the mediating and moderating roles of FAIR data and resilient practices. Federation University.
- Mahinda Jayasooriya PhD (2023) - Accurate prediction of sewer network flows and assessment of groundwater infiltration volumes in sewer networks. Federation University.
- Chris Bahlo PhD (2021). Developing and implementing interoperative agricultural data exchange standards. Federation University.
- David Ebbs PhD (2019). Harvesting stormwater: testing the paradigm by assessing the impacts with an inter-disciplinary case study. Federation University.
- Maged Almandalawi PhD (2017). Study on complex rock slope stability in large scale open cut mine: Mechanism and evaluation. Federation Univeristy.
- Nathan Robinson PhD (2016). Assessing productive soil - landscapes in Victoria using digital soil mapping. Federation University.
- Adam Marshall MAppSc (2016). Precipitation and evaporative aspects of the terrestrial water balance in Central Victoria and their relationship to large-scale climate drivers during the growing season. Federation University.
- Tim Evans MSc(Hydrogeol) (2006). Geology and groundwater flow systems in the West Moorabool River catchment and their relation to river salinity. University of Technology Sydney.
- Mark Paine PhD (2004). Distribution, character and provenance of Late Miocene to Pliocene stranded coastal sediments in southwestern Victoria. Curtin University of Technology.
- Jon Fawcett PhD (2004). Processes and implications of scald formation on the Eastern Dundas Tableland: A case study. The University of Melbourne.
- Grant Huggins MEngSc (2000). Electro-kinetic treatment of a quartz-illite gold tailing. University of Ballarat.
- Tony Miner MAppSc (1999). An investigation of a landslide in Gellibrand Marl in the Heytesbury region, Victoria. University of Ballarat.
- Erica Nathan MAppSc (1998). Dundas landscapes and dryland salinity. University of Ballarat.