Bushfire Legal Help website
17 March 2009
Bushfire Legal Help is a joint initiative of Victoria Legal Aid, Federation of Community Legal Centres, PILCH, Law Institute of Victoria, Victorian Bar and the Victoria Law Foundation (Partners).
Bushfire Legal Help is a response by the legal community to the recent Victorian bushfires and includes a 1800 legal help line, community-specific legal clinics and legal information for the community and lawyers
During February 2009, the University of Ballarat agreed to assist the Partners in the rapid development and launch of the Bushfire Legal Help website. The initial goal is to provide legal information to bushfire affected communities.
The Bushfire Legal Help website went live on 13 March 2009. It will form a central repository for information for the community and lawyers in this area. It will also provide a timetable of events and programs in regions that have been impacted by fires.
It is envisaged that its purpose may change over time as the needs of different communities change. For this reason, flexibility and responsiveness are crucial.