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CeRDI Newsletter Winter 2024

Message from the Director

Professor Helen Thompson  

Helen Thompson


We recently welcomed senior staff from the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) to CeRDI. Federation University is the latest university to be hosting ARDC, with a number of CeRDI staff on secondment to ARDC. The visit was a great success with formal and informal sessions organised for the CeRDI team, and senior staff from across the University. Details about the visit are highlighted in this newsletter.

In late August staff and postgraduate candidates from CeRDI attended the annual Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils (Soil CRC) conference in Wagga Wagga. Sessions showcasing two CeRDI led projects, Visualising Australasia’s Soils and Matching Soil Performance Indicators to Farming Systems, were featured at the conference. Funding from the Soil CRC has enabled both these projects to be extended over coming years.

We recently compiled the Centre’s research report, documenting our achievements since 2022. This provides a valuable record of recent successes and outputs across the technical, research and post graduate areas.

CeRDI continues to forge stronger relationships with other areas of the University. These highlight the important research activities we undertake together. Productive discussions have been held with the Future Regions Research Centre, and the Health Innovation and Transformation Centre. We look forward to expanding these and further strengthening collaboration in the future.

As always, if you have any ideas for research or feedback on the newsletter please get in touch.

Prof Helen Thompson
Director, CeRDI

August 2024


CeRDI 25-year anniversary special: The best CeRDI projects

CeRDI 25-year anniversary special: The best CeRDI projects  

We have been showcasing some of the many projects that have marked CeRDI’s successful 25-year anniversary. In this issue, we’ll continue to focus on projects that demonstrate the unique and important research and technology that characterise CeRDI’s 25-year journey. These exemplify our ongoing success as a leader in eResearch, involving important, long-term collaborations with industry partners.

Soil Interoperability Experiment

This was a significant international project, with collaborations involving CeRDI, the Open Geospatial Consortium, CSIRO and member organisations, globally. The project led to the development and testing of a global soil markup language that contributed to a soil encoding standard enabling the exchange of soil feature data, including data about soil bodies, profiles, horizons and related entities. This was a milestone project elevating CeRDI’s international reputation and building strong and enduring collaborations with the CSIRO and other organisations, worldwide.

Empowering research with data catalogue for grains industry

GRDC data catalogue  

This story was prepared by, and published by the Federation University Newsroom, 11 June 2024

Federation University's Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) has played a key role in developing a national data catalogue that will give researchers access to years' worth of information and accelerate the release of new technology and knowledge in the grains industry.

The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) recently launched the GRDC Data Catalogue  - a tool that aims to simplify finding large quantities of grains research, development and extension (RD&E) data generated by GRDC's investments over the past 20 years.

Federation University becomes ARDC’s first regional host institution

Federation University becomes ARDC’s first regional host institution  

This story was prepared and published by the ARDC, 1 July 2024 

The Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) has welcomed Federation University Australia, Australia’s leading regional university, as a new host institution.

Federation University already supports the ARDC and the Australian Government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) as an ARDC member.

In becoming a host institution, Federation University will now have ARDC staff based on campus. Due to the strong alignment, the new ARDC staff members will be based within the Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI), located within Federation University’s Research portfolio. CeRDI is a global leader in data interoperability and promotes innovation through the application of new technologies through research, knowledge transfer and commercial activities.


Federation University becomes ARDC’s first regional host institution  

Federation University became ARDC’s first regional host institution with CeRDI chosen as the home of the new partnership. The partnership has enabled five existing CeRDI researchers the opportunity to join the work of this important groundbreaking national initiative through 12-month secondments. This includes:

Dr Megan Wong Project Manager, Planet RDC and Rob Milne, Program Manager, Planet RDC. Megan and Rob are both working on helping enable national-scale infrastructure for environmental and earth science researchers, policymakers, decision-makers, and research data managers. They have been identifying opportunities and facilitating stakeholder engagement to uplift FAIR data capability (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) across the Planet Research Data Commons and partners. A large part of their roles have been facilitating the co-design for establishing ‘trusted data and information supply chains’ for priority regional use cases, which includes collaborations between the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), national research infrastructures, state agencies, industry partners, Traditional Owners, universities, research institutions and researchers.

New tool highlights valuable urban wetlands

New tool highlights valuable urban wetlands  

This story was prepared by, and published by the Federation University Newsroom, 12 June 2024

Urban wetlands are vital for supporting clean water, healthy ecosystems and bird migration but are often considered less valuable from an urban planning perspective in biodiversity conservation because they are highly modified or constructed bodies of water.

A Federation researcher has teamed up with the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA), the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN) and BirdLife Australia to develop a new tool that aims to shed light on the often overlooked but essential role of urban wetlands in our cities.

Latham Snipe research: Documentary and podcast

Latham Snipe research: Documentary and podcast  

Latham's Snipe, a migratory shorebird.
Image: Jacob Crisp


The Latham's Snipe research, led by CeRDI’s Dr Birgita Hansen, has been featured in a new documentary film, and an informative podcast. The Latham’s Snipe (Gallinago hardwickii) is a shorebird that migrates to Japan from Australia to breed each year. Until recently relatively little was known about the Latham’s Snipe compared to other migratory shorebirds, but the research efforts of Birgita and colleagues has helped unlock new insights about this unique and cryptic species.

The documentary film was written, directed and produced by Richard Snashell and showcases the extensive research efforts to monitor, understand and protect the Latham Snipe. In the video, Birgita and colleagues discuss their work and the extensive citizen scientist efforts over many years to improve knowledge about this species. The documentary was shortlisted for the Far South Film Festival in August 2024 at Merimbula. The film’s viewing was attended by Birgita, her PhD student and colleague Lori Gould and Richard. As part of the festival, Richard was involved in a film directors Q&A, and this provided the whole team with the opportunity to talk more about the film and the project.

Peel to Prest receives Maggolee Award

Peel to Prest receives Maggolee Award  

The "Yarrowee River History: Peel to Prest" project, which offers a comprehensive exploration of the historical and cultural significance associated with the Yarrowee River, encompassing the influences of the Wadawurrung Indigenous people and subsequent settlement, recently received a Maggolee award. The project was led by Federation University historian Dr David Waldron, and supported by CeRDI, which contributed to the technical specifications and design of the web portal for the project.

Gold discoveries were located around the Yarrowee River and its tributaries. During this time, substantial redirection of water channels occurred, aligned with the management of natural drainage for the river. This served multiple purposes, including directing water flow to the gold diggings, removing sludge build up and eventually assisting with mitigating the impact of floods across Ballarat as buildings were constructed following on from its tent city origins. Integral to the project’s success has been the incorporation of first nation’s history. The portal includes statements and content supplied by the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation (WTOAC) and highlights the connection of the Yarrowee River and its place of significance for First Nations People. The content was guided in its development by the Caring for Country subcommittee of WTOC.

Triple success: Seeding grants awarded to CeRDI researchers

Federation University becomes ARDC’s first regional host institution  

Three CeRDI researchers received funding from the University’s Early Career Researcher (ECR) seeding grants to pursue their research projects. Dr’s Chris Bahlo, Aakansha Chadha, and Alison Ollerenshaw were successfully awarded funding to lead research in their chosen areas of expertise and interest. Chris is conducting collaborative research to extend the work she commenced during her PhD and the discovery of public datasets to inform welfare decisions associated with livestock farming. Aakansha is conducting research to investigate how different lime types and fractions of lime applied over soil surface affect soil pH at various depths over time. Alison will be examining the impacts and perceptions of the perennial Dementia Pathways Tools. Further details about these projects are described below.


New online tool simplifies farm data sharing contracts

New online tool simplifies farm data sharing contracts  

It will now be easier for farm businesses and those who collect, manage and share their data to access an industry best-practice contract for data sharing - thanks to a new digital tool.

The online Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) Tool is free to use and has been developed in partnership with Food Agility CRC, tier one legal firm Minter Ellison, Federation University and the Australian Research Data Commons.

Food Agility Data Policy Manager Gabi Ceregra said data use and sharing is important for improving the productivity of farming, but producers need assurance about how their data is collected and used.

Staff profile: Tamsin Wilson, ARDC Human Resources Business Partner

ARDC Human Resources Business Partner, Tamsin Wilson  

ARDC Human Resources
Business Partner,
Tamsin Wilson


Tamsin recently commenced as the Human Resources Business Partner for the ARDC, located in CeRDI. In this role, Tamsin will build and manage a fit for purpose HR function to support the ARDC’s people and culture programs and processes now and into the future. Areas of focus include staff culture, performance, engagement, learning and development and workforce planning as well as day-to-day human resources functions and services.  This is done in partnership with Host Institutions, in this case Federation University, which govern the overarching HR policies and employment conditions where ARDC staff are located.

Tamsin’s background in Human Resources spans more than 30 years across government and the not-for-profit sector. Her career has encompassed learning and development and organisational development specialist roles as well as broader HR leadership roles. At Deakin University, she successfully established a new university-wide staff learning and development program and worked with Academic and professional staff on a range of staff engagement and performance improvement programs. In local government she developed and implemented a new workforce planning framework to support the organisation to navigate its workforce needs and challenges. Her most recent role was with a not-for-profit organisation in Melbourne as People & Capability Manager where she expanded and improved the broader HR program.

Tamsin recently moved to Ballarat and is enjoying the benefits of a regional lifestyle.

Higher Degrees by Research profile: Hannah Faraone

PhD Candidate, Hannah Faraone  

PhD Candidate,
Hannah Faraone


Research title: The impact of macrolitter on birdlife in the Port Phillip Region and Greater Melbourne

Hannah commenced her PhD with CeRDI in 2024 in collaboration with RMIT University and the Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action (DEECA). Her research will explore the relationship between anthropogenic litter and birdlife in the Greater Melbourne region. This will  include field and desktop investigations into the types of interactions that occur (i.e., ingestion, entanglement, use as nesting and breeding material), as well as the related impacts (i.e., mortality, injury, breeding success). This PhD research draws on previous work completed by CeRDI and DEECA, including the creation of the database, LitterWatch  (a state-government initiative used to collect litter data from Victorian community groups that is consistent and comparable). The PhD will also include a 3-month internship with DEECA that will involve supporting the management and maintenance of the LitterWatch portal.

Prior to commencing her PhD, Hannah completed a Bachelor of Science and Honours degree at RMIT University (2022) and a Graduate Certificate in Environment from The University of Melbourne in 2023.

Hannah’s PhD supervisors include Dr. Birgita Hansen (CeRDI; Principal supervisor), Dr Nick Schultz (Federation University; Associate supervisor) and Dr. Jackie Myers (RMIT; Associate supervisor), and Kimberley MacDonald (DEECA; Industry supervisor).

News snippets

Soil Network on Knowledge (SNOK) webinar:  

Soil Network on Knowledge (SNOK) webinar: In late July, Pete Dahlhaus delivered a SNOK webinar to the network about soil data relating to the VAS project and included additional data to support soil carbon management such as climate, rainfall, Soil moisture, inherent soil fertility. These webinars showcase soil data tools and resources to determine land suitability for soil carbon projects in NSW.

Past SNOK webinars are available at: 


HDR news

HDR news  

CeRDI PhD Candidate Success: Visualise your Thesis

Over 130 Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates, HDR supervisors, collaborators, and Federation staff and students recently attended the Mt Helen Campus for the Graduate Research School’s annual HDR conference.

The conference celebrates and promotes the work of HDR students, providing an opportunity for them to showcase the range, diversity, and strength of their research.

Twenty-eight oral presentations and 16 posters were delivered by candidates throughout the day. 
CeRDI’s Hannah Faraone came a very close second (by 1 point!) in the Visualise Your Thesis competition. Hannah’s video can be viewed at:

About CeRDI

The Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) is a research centre at Federation University Australia focused on:

  • the application of information and communications technology (ICT) and the development of innovative, world class knowledge management systems;
  • significantly advancing the digital literacy and knowledge management capabilities of partner organisations;
  • fostering partnerships for the development and implementation of eResearch with industry, government and academia; and
  • measuring the impact of eResearch and digital innovation through longitudinal research.

Contact CeRDI

For further details about CeRDI’s diverse portfolio of research please visit our website:, or contact Director, Associate Professor Helen Thompson:

Mailing Address

Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation
Federation University Australia
PO Box 691
Ballarat Vic 3353

Office Location

Suite 15, Greenhill Enterprise Centre
Ballarat Technology Park
University Drive
Mount Helen Vic 3350

Phone: +61 3 5327 9314

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