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Hannah Faraone

Hannah Faraone

PhD Candidate

Hannah commenced her PhD with CeRDI in 2024 in collaboration with RMIT University and the Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action (DEECA). Her research will explore the relationship between anthropogenic litter and birdlife in the Greater Melbourne region. This will include field and desktop investigations into the types of interactions that occur (i.e., ingestion, entanglement, use as nesting and breeding material), as well as the related impacts (i.e., mortality, injury, breeding success). This PhD draws on previous work completed by CeRDI and DEECA, including the creation of the database, LitterWatch (a state-government initiative used to collect litter data from Victorian community groups that is consistent and comparable). The PhD will also include a 3-month internship with DEECA that will involve supporting the management and maintenance of the LitterWatch portal.

Hannah completed a Bachelor of Science and Honours degree with RMIT University in 2022 and a Graduate Certificate in Environment with the University of Melbourne in 2023.

ORCID ID: External link icon

The impact of macrolitter on birdlife in the Port Phillip Region and Greater Melbourne

Supervisors: Primary Supervisor is Dr. Birgita Hansen. Secondary Supervisors are Dr. Nick Schultz (Federation University) and Dr. Jackie Myers (RMIT).Industry Supervisor is Kimberley MacDonald (DEECA).

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