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Data Democracy

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Data experts and practitioners talk about Data Democracy.

Dr Gillian Sparkes (Victorian Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability)

Dr Gillian SparkesDr Gillian Sparkes , Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability, Victoria, who has a wealth of knowledge and experience gained from her career spanning across industry, community and government. Dr Sparkes has been advocating the need and opportunity for governments to invest in big data and analytics for environmental management and protection.

Listen to Gillian discussing her views on data democracy.


Download this track: Dr Gillian Sparkes (Victorian Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability.MP3  [Filesize: 30.3MB]

Prof Richard Sinnot (Director of eResearch, University of Melbourne)

Professor Richard SinnottProfessor Richard Sinnott , Director of eResearch at The University of Melbourne and Professor of Applied Computing Systems in Computing and Information Systems Department, Melbourne School of Engineering. Professor Sinnott leads national and international research projects in eResearch and its applications, data security and real-time systems.

Listen to Richard discussing his views on data democracy.


Download this track: Prof Richard Sinnot (Director of eResearch, University of Melbourne).MP3  [Filesize: 63.0MB]

Distinguished Professor Helen Thompson (Centre Director, Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University)

Associate Professor Helen ThompsonDistinguished Professor Helen Thompson, Director of the Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation at Federation University (Ballarat).  Dr Thompson leads an applied research team that has built award winning data federation systems that use interoperable technologies to bring data together for decision support across a variety of domains.

Listen to Helen discussing her views on data democracy.


Download this track: Assoc Prof Helen Thompson (Centre Director, Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University).MP3  [Filesize: 33.3MB]

George Fong (Nerd Herder, Lateral Plains)

George FongGeorge Fong , is a Director of Lateral Plains Pty Ltd. Trained as a Lawyer, Mr Fong is an IT strategist and Nerd Herder , who is the immediate past Chair of Internet Australia. Other past titles include Deputy Chancellor of Federation University of Australia (January 2016 - December 2017). George has more than 20 years experience in the ICT sector and is regularly asked to provide advice and expertise in relation to issues such as broadband accessibility and the rollout of the National Broadband Network.

Listen to George discussing his views on data democracy.

Download this track: George Fong (Nerd Herder, Lateral Plains).MP3  [Filesize: 44.1MB]

Paul Box (Social Architect, CSIRO Land & Water)

Paul BoxPaul Box , Social Architect, leads a team at CSIRO who develop interoperable systems for information infrastructure. Mr Box’s research explores the approaches to supplementing the traditional technical architecture with social architecture, to address the social, economic and institutional challenges of federating data.

Listen to Paul discussing his views on data democracy.


Download this track: Paul Box (Social Architect, CSIRO Land & Water).MP3  [Filesize: 56.2MB]

Assoc Prof Peter Dahlhaus (Principal Research Fellow, Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University)

Associate Professor Peter DahlhausAssociate Professor Peter Dahlhaus is a Principal Research Fellow at the Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation at Federation University (Ballarat). A geologist by training, Dr Dahlhaus’ current research focuses on making environmental data, information and knowledge freely and publicly available. He is passionate about establishing data democracies.

Listen to Peter discussing his views on data democracy.


Download this track: Assoc Prof Peter Dahlhaus (Principal Research Fellow, Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University).MP3  [Filesize: 55.3MB]






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