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Dr Chris Bahlo

Chris Bahlo

Research Associate

Chris joined CeRDI in 2016, working across various projects in research and software development roles with a focus on data interoperability standards and FAIR data. She completed her PhD at Federation University in 2021, with a scholarship from the RUN Precision Agriculture Flagship. In 2013 she graduated with a Degree in Information Technology from the University of Ballarat, being awarded the Ballarat University Medal, followed by a research Honours year. She also has a Business Degree and an Agricultural Science Diploma. Chris has prior experience in information technology and agriculture related roles, and also has business experience.

Call: 03 5327 9463

Developing and implementing interoperative agricultural data exchange standards
Open data and interoperability standards: Opportunities for animal welfare in extensive livestock systems

Precision agriculture has the potential to improve Australian agriculture by making it more resilient, productive and profitable while reducing environmental impact and increasing social value.

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  • Qualifications
    • 2013: University of Ballarat Medal
    Professional experience
    • Research Associate, CeRDI
    • Sessional course co-ordinator, moderator, Federation University
    • Software Developer
    • Research Assistant, Federation University
    • Owner-Manager, Narrawin Stud
  • Journal papers

    Bahlo, C. (2024). Advancing FAIR Agricultural Data: The AgReFed FAIR Assessment Tool. Data Science Journal, 23: 18, pp. 1–11. DOI: 

    Bahlo, C., & Dahlhaus, P. (2021). Livestock data – Is it there and is it FAIR? A systematic review of livestock farming datasets in Australia. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 188, 106365. 

    Bahlo, C., Dahlhaus, P., Thompson, H., & Trotter, M. (2019). The role of interoperable data standards in precision livestock farming in extensive livestock systems: A review. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 156, 459-466. doi: 10.1016/j.compag.2018.12.007

  • Conference papers, presentations and abstracts

    Bahlo, C. (2017). Accessible farm animal welfare data: the role of interoperable standards in precision livestock farming. 1st Asian-Australasian Conference on Precision Pastures and Livestock Farming, Hamilton NZ, 16-18 October 2017.

    Bahlo, C. (2017). Advancing data interoperability standards for animal welfare and production systems. Oral presentation. Federation University Australia Higher Degrees by Research Conference: Making your Vision a Reality, 27 July 2017, Federation University Australia, Mt Helen.

    Bahlo, C. (2016, July). Advancing data interoperability standards for livestock welfare and production systems. Poster session presented at the 2016 Federation University Higher Degree by Research Conference, Ballarat, Australia.

    Bahlo, C. (2013, July). Applying visualisation techniques to animal pedigrees. 2013 University of Ballaray Higher Degree by Research Conference, Ballarat, Australia.

  • Reports and other publications

    Corbett, J., Archer, R., Bahlo, C., Thompson, H., Haan, S., Gacenga, F., & An-Vo, D. (2023). AgReFed: A platform for the transformation of agricultural research – ARDC Platforms Project Final Report.

    Dahlhaus, P., Bahlo, C., & MacLeod, A. (2021). Accessing Australian soil carbon data. Research report for Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, Final report 14 May 2021. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University Australia. 95p.

    Dahlhaus, P., MacLeod, A., Medyckyj-Scott, D., Simons, B., Bahlo, C., Sexton, A., Thompson, H., Wong, M., Robinson, N., Milne, R., Neyland, A., Gillett, H., & Ollerenshaw, A. (2021). Visualising Australasia’s Soils: A Soil CRC Interoperable Spatial Knowledge System. Phase 1 (2019 – 2021). Project 2.3.001 Final Report. Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils (Soil CRC). 119p. 

  • Software and other research outputs

    Bahlo, C. (2023). AgReFed FAIR Assessment Tool. Federation University Australia. Software. 

    Bahlo, C. (2020). narrawin/datasearch: First release of the datasearch scripts and files repository (Version v1.0.0). Zenodo. 

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