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Dr Alicia Reynolds

Dr Alicia Reynolds

Research Fellow

Alicia is responsible for a chemistry laboratory set up by Vincent Verheyen (retired) at Federation University’s Gippsland Campus. She leads and contributes to industry-led research projects, including responsible uses of Victorian brown coal (eg, humic acid-based soil amendments, hydrogen and other materials), compost processing and contaminants management, and fish farm waste derived soil amendment development. Since 2015, she has been involved in research projects ranging from $60K to 1.9M, >70 consultancy projects and worked with more than 10 industry partners. Primary research projects include:

  • Data-driven development of effective humic acid-derived agriculture products, research program with Omnia Specialities
    • Next generation plant biostimulat product development from Victorian brown coal, funded by Australian Carbon Innovation and Omnia Specialities
    • Chemical characterisation of humic substances, funded by Omnia Specialities 
    • Enhanced yield and quality of humic products from lignite, funded by Australian Carbon Innovation  and Omnia Specialities
  • Research support for pilot-scale hydrogen production from Victorian brown coal
  • Research support for pilot-scale CO2 capture, “Environmental and CO2 processing implications of amine capture system degradation,” funded by Australian Carbon Innovation with support from CSIRO, IHI Corporation, AGL Loy Yang and Agilent Technologies

Alicia is also an Associate Member of Federation University’s Future Regions Research Centre .


  • Peer-reviewed publications

    Puxty, G., Bennett, R., Conway, W., Webster-Gardiner, M., Yang, Q., Pearson, P., Cottrell, A., Huang, S., Feron, P., Reynolds, A., Verheyen, V. (2020). IR Monitoring of Absorbent Composition and Degradation during Pilot Plant Operation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, acs.iecr.9b05309. 

    Reynolds, A., Joseph, S.D., Verheyen, T.V., Chinu, K., Taherymoosavi, S., Munroe, P.R., Donne, S., Pace, B., van Zwieten, L., Marjo, C.E., Thomas, T., Rawal, A., Hook, J., (2018). Effect of clay and iron sulphate on volatile and water-extractable organic compounds in bamboo biochars. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis, 133, 22–29. 

    Dhingra, S., Khakharia, P., Rieder, A., Cousins, A., Reynolds, A., Knudsen, J., Andersen, J., Irons, R., Mertens, J., Zahra, M.A., Van Os, P., Goetheer, E. (2017), Understanding and Modelling the Effect of Dissolved Metals on Solvent Degradation in Post Combustion CO2 Capture Based on Pilot Plant Experience, Energies, 10 (629).

    Taherymoosavi, S., Verheyen, T.V., Munroe, P., Joeseph, S., Reynolds, A. (2017), Characterisation of organic compounds in biochars derived from municipal solid waste. Waste Management, 67, pp. 131-142.

    Verheyen, T. V. & Reynolds, A. J. (2017). Yallourn brown coal - the effect of drying conditions of VOC emissions. Fuel Processing Technology, 155, pp. 88-96.

    Lim, J., Aguiar, A., Reynolds, A.J., Pearson, P., Kentish, SE. & Meuleman, E., (2015), Remediation of monoethanolamine after exposure to brown coal flue gases, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 42, pp. 545-553.

    Mylotte, R., Verheyen, V., Reynolds, A.J., Dalton, C., Patti, A., Chang, RR., Burdon, J. & Hayes, M., (2015). Isolation and characterisation of recalcitrant organic compounds from an esturine sediment core, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15 (1), pp. 211-224.

    Reynolds, A.J., Verheyen, T. V., Adeloju, S. B., & Meuleman, E., (2015). Evaluation of methods for monitoring MEA degradation during pilot scale post-combustion capture of CO2. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 39, pp. 407-419.

    Reynolds, A.J., Verheyen, T. V., Adeloju, S. B., & Meuleman, E., (2015). Primary sources and accumulation rates of inorganic anions and dissolved metals in a MEA absorbent during PCC at a brown coal-fired power station. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 41, pp. 239-248.

    Reynolds, A.J., Verheyen, T. V., Adeloju, S. B., & Meuleman, E., (2015). Comparison of sample preparation methods for the GC-MS analysis of monoethanolamine (MEA) degradation products generated during post-combustion capture of CO2. International Journal of Greenhous Gas Control, 52, pp. 204-214.

    Reynolds, A.J., Verheyen, T. V., Adeloju, S. B., & Meuleman, E., (2015). Monoethanolamine degradation during pilot scale post-combustion capture of CO2 from a brown coal-fired power station. Energy & Fuels, 29 (11), pp 7441–7455.

    Reynolds, A.J., Verheyen, T. V., Adeloju, S. B., & Meuleman, E., (2014). Quantification of Aqueous Monoethanolamine Concentration by Gas Chromatography for Postcombustion Capture of CO2. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53(12), pp.4805–4811.

    Heaven, M. W., Verheyen, T. V., Reynolds, A., Wild, K., Watkins, M., & Nash, D. (2014). Matrix effects of milk, dairy factory wastewater and soil water on the determination of disinfection by-products and para-cresol using solid-phase microextraction. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 67(1), pp. 55-66.

    Heaven, M. W., Verheyen, V., Cruickshank, A., Wild, K., Watkins, M., & Nash, D. (2012). Characterization of trace organic compounds in recycled water used for irrigation on turf and comparison with rain. Agricultural Water Management, 103, 176-181.

    Mosse, K. P., Verheyen, T. V., Cruickshank, A. J., Patti, A. F., & Cavagnaro, T. R. (2012). Thermochemolysis of winery wastewater particulates - Molecular structural implications for water reuse. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 97, pp. 164-170.

    Mosse, K. P., Verheyen, T. V., Cruickshank, A. J., Patti, A. F., & Cavagnaro, T. R. (2012). Soluble organic components of winery wastewater and implications for reuse. Agricultural Water Management. 120, pp. 5-10.

    Reynolds, A. J., Verheyen, T. V., Adeloju, S. B., Meuleman, E., & Feron, P. (2012). Towards commercial scale postcombustion capture of CO2 with monoethanolamine solvent: Key considerations for solvent management and environmental impacts. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(7), 3643-3654.

    Heaven, M. W., K. Wild, Verheyen, V, Cruickshank, A, Watkins, M and Nash, D (2011). Seasonal and wastewater stream variation of trace organic compounds in a dairy processing plant aerobic bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 102(17), pp. 7727-7736.

    Verheyen, V., Cruickshank, A., Wild, K., Heaven, M. W., McGee, R., Watkins, M., & Nash, D. (2011). Characterization of organic particulates present in milk factory process waters used for reuse along with aerobically digested effluent wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 102(2), 2118-2125.

    Verheyen, V., Cruickshank, A., Wild, K., Heaven, M. W., McGee, R., Watkins, M., & Nash, D. (2009). Soluble, semivolatile phenol and nitrogen compounds in milk-processing wastewaters. Journal of Dairy Science, 92(7), 3484-3493.

  • Reports and other publications

    Dahlhaus, P., Macleod, A., Ollerenshaw, A., Gillett, H., Reynolds, A., Robinson, N., Wong, M., Thompson, H., MacEwan, R., Feely, P., Archer, R., Hartwig K., Senanayake, I., & Yeo, I-Y. (2024). Visualising Australasia’s Soils: extending the soil data federation. Phase 2 (2021 – 2024). Project 2.3.002 Final Report. Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils (Soil CRC). 126p.

    MacLeod, A., Gillett, H., Simons, B., Wong, M., Reynolds, A., Martin, C., Archer, R., & Dahlhaus, P. (2024). Visualising Australasia’s Soils: Phase 2 System Architectures. Milestone Report 14.3. Soil CRC Project 2.3.002. Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils, Callaghan, NSW. 51p. August 2024

Associate supervisor

  • Anushan Kulendran (Masters by Research student, Federation University) - Use and recycling of potassium in the production of advanced carbon products
  • Quazi Rupok (Masters by Research student, Federation University) - Using sludge from fish farming as a fertilizer
  • Adrian Bonica (PhD thesis under examination, Federation University) - Composition and distribution of monosulfidic black ooze: Gippsland Lakes

Completed supervisions (associate supervisor)

  • Mohammad Rahul Reza Chowdhury (completed PhD 2019, Federation University) - Effects of brown coal fly as on 30% monoethanolamine CO2 capture systems
  • Andrew Hood (completed PhD 2022, Federation University) - Effects of tailored peroxide oxidation on yield and molecular structure of humic substances from Victorian lignite
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