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Visualising Australia’s Soils
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Visualising Australasia’s Soils

Visualising Australasia’s Soils (VAS) aims to provide participants of the Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils (Soil CRC ), and the agriculture industry broadly, with access to data and information about Australasian soils. CeRDI is the lead partner on the project, which comprises three phases. The first phase of the project (2018-2021) culminated in the successful development of a cloud based, research data federation for soils, with spatial mapping guidelines. The second phase of the project (2021-2024) improved functionality of VAS and included the development of a self-serve data management system, enhanced filtering and reporting, seamless interoperability with the Australian National Soil Information System (ANSIS) , and the inclusion of soil sensor data. Now underway, Phase 3 (2024-2027) aims to make VAS an enduring component of an Australasian soils knowledge system that is self-sustaining and inherently useful for research and education.

Visualising Australasia's Soils

Visualising Australasia's Soils


CeRDI is a major participant in the Soil CRC which awards research funding from the Federal Government with the aim of helping Australian farmers make decisions on complex soil management issues.

The first phase of the VAS project comprised a total investment of $1.18M (including $510,000 funding) to support industry data sharing and data access and usage and to develop the VAS online portal. The second phase of VAS (2022-2024) transformed the VAS portal to an independent soil research data federation. $940,000 funding (which is a component of the total project value: $2.37M) was awarded to expand VAS to 2024. In the third phase, $800,000 funding has been awarded for VAS to become an enduring component of an Australasian soils knowledge system.

VAS Phase 3 is a collaboration between Federation University, the University of Newcastle and a Community of Practice initially involving Soil CRC participants across Australia including Burdekin Productivity Services, North Central CMA, Riverine Plains, Southern Farming Systems, Western Australian No-Tillage Farmers Association (WANTFA) and West Midlands Group.

CeRDI’s Associate Prof Peter Dahlhaus is leading the project together with members of the CeRDI research and technical team.


The first phase of VAS was completed in 2021. The following key deliverables were completed:

  1. Data Governance and Stewardship Guidelines. These have been reported as a discussion paper and are available to VAS project members and the Soil CRC website.
  2. VAS data portal with spatial mapping:
  3. A social engagement report, Visualising Australia’s Soils: Social Engagement & Collaboration Learnings prepared by CeRDI Research Fellow Dr Amie Sexton. The document is publicly available on the Soil CRC website:Visualising Australasia’s Soils - Social engagement and collaboration learnings (2020) 
  4. A systems architecture report for VAS, containing the technology vocabularies.
  5. A soils data inventory and summary. This comprises methods and scripts and assessment of VAS within the context of the FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) principles for data.
  6. Data Federations in Agriculture , a short documentary film about interoperable data federation using VAS as a case study.
  7. Two reports about the project are publicly available from the website of the Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils (Soil CRC):

The second phase of VAS involved 15 project partners and achieved the following three broad project goals:

  1. To provide access to reliable soil and other on-farm data, such as using the VAS portal data upload interface to contribute soil test data and facilitating access to soil moisture sensor data.

  2. To deliver extension activities to support VAS adoption by raising awareness of the project, working with the VAS team to facilitate training for members and farmers and collecting feedback about the performance of the VAS portal.

  3. To contribute to the delivery of tangible and attractive benefit to farming groups and other VAS participants by participating in an annual VAS workshop, identifying the ways in which VAS could support decision making or research, and contribute to the testing of the VAS platform.

  4. Revise the VAS portal website to include more information about the project and provide access to inline training resources: 

    A series of reports were prepared for the Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils (Soil CRC) during Phase 2:


The VAS portal allows custodians to retain data ownership and control how and what data is shared. The development of options for system governance and a business model, and guidelines for data governance and stewardship for data custodians, will be completed to guide the future of the VAS portal beyond the life of the Soil CRC.

During Phase 3, artificial intelligence will be incorporated within VAS to add value to soil performance data, and enhance the reporting of soil quality, function and target values for high performance soils.

Research has been conducted in parallel with all phases of the VAS project. The research to date has informed portal developments and gauged the impact of the portal (on practice change and decision making, for example) on users/project partners. Further research is planned for Phase 3 of VAS to provide further insights about the use and value of VAS.

Technical Features

The interoperable spatial knowledge system provides Soil CRC participants and the broader agricultural industry with access to data, information, and knowledge on Australasian soils. The project leverages established technologies developed by Assoc Prof Dahlhaus and the team at CeRDI to federate data from disparate sources in both the public and private sector, making agriculture data more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR).  


A data stewardship and governance model for custodians will be established for VAS. This outlines the rules under which access to data, or parts of their data, is possible. A key differentiator from other soil data initiatives is that data custodians will be empowered with the skills, know-how and tools to enable their soil and agriculture data to be seamlessly integrated with other agricultural data, via next generation data models and knowledge products. This enhances decision-making and generates new insights into the profitability and resilience of Australian agriculture.

Business and governance models for VAS is be established that will include data governance and stewardship guidelines for managing VAS beyond 2027. CeRDI’s Gabi Ceregra is working closely with the research team to develop this.

Future Directions

Phase 3 will support the uptake of VAS by project participants, especially the farming groups in the Soil CRC by demonstrating benefits of the portal. The goal through the co-creation of this enduring component of an Australasian soils knowledge system that is self-sustaining and inherently useful for research and education. The aim of the third phase of VAS is to motivate soil data custodians to make their data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR), and align with other national and international soil research data initiatives to maximise discovery and reuse.


  • Presentations icon


    Visualising Australia’s Soils (2022)

    At the 2022 Soil CRC Participants Conference held 24 August in Adelaide. Andrew McLeod from Federation University presents an update on the Visualising Australasia's soils project. 

    Soil Science Conference in Darwin on 25-30 June 2023 

    • A/Prof. Peter Dahlhaus; Presentation title: Assessing the impacts of creating a soil data and dissemination system.
    • Andrew Macleod; Presentation title: Unearthing the benefits of FAIR soils data – is it worth the effort?
    • Dr Megan Wong; Presentation title: Controlled vocabularies for improving soil data utility in a web-enabled world

    Soil CRC Participant Conference on 29-30 August 2023

    Assoc Prof Peter Dahlhaus attended the Soil CRC conference in Launceston, Tasmania. During the conference Peter led a VAS project steering committee meeting that involved members of the Soil CRC and VAS project partners. A panel presentation at the conference was facilitated by Pete Dahlhaus and VAS and ceRDI co-researcher Nathan Robinson: Soil data – How do we value data? How do we manage it better?

    Conference videos: 

  • Project Videos


    Data Federations in Agriculture
    Data Federations in Agriculture 

    For generations, Australasian farmers have gathered and shared knowledge on how to grow better crops. In the 21st century it makes sense to use technology to improve our agricultural know-how and profitability. But how can that be achieved?

    Watch now

    Visualising Australasia's Soils - Ballarat Workshop 2019
    Visualising Australasia's Soils - Ballarat Workshop 2019 (4:28)

    Project kick-off workshop 11-14 February 2019 held at CeRDI, Federation University, Ballarat.

    Watch now

    Soil CRC Project: Visualising Australasia's soils - Assoc Prof Peter Dahlhaus
    Soil CRC Project: Visualising Australasia's soils - Assoc Prof Peter Dahlhaus (2:07)

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    Soil CRC Project: Visualising Australasia's soils explainer
    Soil CRC Project: Visualising Australasia's soils explainer (2:55)

    This animated video explains how the Visualising Australasia's soils project will use data.

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    ‘How to’ videos for VAS

    Login and access to VAS (1:05)

    Login and access to VAS (1:06)

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    Overview of the data upload process and data literacy (6:13)

    Overview of the data upload process and data literacy (6:14)

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    Submitting data to VAS platform with the template (26:27)

    Submitting data to VAS platform with the template (26:28)

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    Submitting data to VAS platform without a template (12:07)

    Submitting data to VAS platform without a template (12:08)

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    Accessing and viewing soil data (1:41)

    Accessing and viewing soil data (1:42)

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    Charts and how to view soil trends overtime (1:05)

    Charts and how to view soil trends overtime (1:06)

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    How to view soil properties by depth (1:02)

    How to view soil properties by depth (1:03)

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    How to customise and save charts

    How to customise and save charts (1:03)

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    Exporting soil test data

    Exporting soil test data (0:26)

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    Advanced options for filtering and styling

    Advanced options for filtering and styling (1:47)

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