Networking the Nation funding received
Networking the Nation funding to assist the economic and social development of regional, rural and remote Australia has been announced.
Networking the Nation funding received 14 December 1999 The Hon Michael Rondaldson, Federal Member for Ballarat has announced that the Chamber of Electronic Commerce - Western Victoria will receive Networking the Nation funding of $274,000. The Networking the Nation program aims to assist the economic and social development of regional, rural and remote Australia by funding projects which enhance telecommunications infrastructure and services, increase access and reduce disparities between urban and non-urban Australia. The Chamber of Electronic Commerce …
New look for Commerce Ballarat website and newsletter
CeRDI has collaborated with Commerce Ballarat to develop and deliver an intuitive technology platform for the new Commerce Ballarat website and newsletter.
New look for Commerce Ballarat website and newsletter 30 March 2016 Commerce Ballarat, the independent business group uniting Ballarat’s business and commerce sector, has launched its new-look website and weekly newsletter. CeRDI collaborated with Commerce Ballarat to develop and deliver an intuitive technology platform catering for members and the general public. The new website has been developed to enable members to quickly and easily access information on the site using mobile, tablet or desktop devices. The new …
CeRDI Newsletter Winter 2022
The Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) operates as a business unit of the Federation University Australia. Through education, training, research, knowledge transfer and community and industry engagement CeRDI promotes the adoption and diffusion of information communication technologies (ICT) through out the wider community.
and practical examination of the digital trends and technologies transforming Australian agriculture. CeRDI had a strong representation at the Summit with Data Policy Manager, Gabi Ceregra providing panel expertise to the forum. Assoc Prof Helen Thompson, Dr Birgita Hansen, together with HDR candidates Andrew MacLeod, Dr Rekha Attanayake and Dr Basharat Ali also attended the Summit. Dr Helen Thompson at the Summit with Stephen Summerhayes, Food Agility CRC Senior Project Manager - Rangelands Carbon Project CeRDI’s Andrew MacLeod (Left) and …
CeCC recognised for work with Bushfire Legal Help
CeCC has been formally recogised in a recent Review report for our assistance to Bushfire Legal Help
CeCC recognised for work with Bushfire Legal Help 17 August 2010 Bushfire Legal Help, a unique collaboration of the Victorian legal profession’s peak bodies, was established within two days of the 7 February 2009 Victoria bushfire disaster to provide free legal assistance to bushfire victims and their communities. Partners included Victoria Legal Aid, Federation of Community Legal Centres, Public Interest Law Clearing House, Law Institute of Victoria, Victorian Bar and the Victoria Law Foundation. CeCC assisted Bushfire Legal …
Visualising Australasia’s Soils
Visualising Australasia’s Soils (VAS) aims to provide participants of the Co-operative Research Centre for High Performance Soils (Soil CRC) with access to considerable volumes of reliable quality soil data sourced from a federation of soil data cus
'/empty.html'); $if.attr("src", src); }) Overview of the data upload process and data literacy × $('#Overview-of-the-data-upload-process-and-data-literacy-VAS').on('', function (e) { var $if = $(e.delegateTarget).find('iframe'); var src = $if.attr("src"); $if.attr("src", '/empty.html'); $if.attr("src", src); }) Submitting data to VAS platform with the template × $('#Submitting-data-to-VAS-platform-with-the-template').on('', function (e) { var $if = $ …
CeRDI Newsletter Spring 2022
The Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) operates as a business unit of the Federation University Australia. Through education, training, research, knowledge transfer and community and industry engagement CeRDI promotes the adoption and diffusion of information communication technologies (ICT) through out the wider community.
14(13), 3071. MDPI AG. Thesis submission: PhD candidate Dr Basharat Ali recently submitted his thesis for examination. Basharat’s research investigated the roles of data, digital agriculture and resilience in agricultural performance. Basharat’s supervision team included Assoc Prof Peter Dahlhaus, Assoc Prof Helen Thompson, and Dr Nathan Robinson. For further information about Basharat’s research: About CeRDI The Centre …
CeCC developers attend Google Developer Day 2011
CeCC developers joined 1300 other developers at the Google Developer Day in Sydney last week. Many topics were covered, including Android Development, HTML 5, Social , Geo and many more interesting areas that may be included in future CeCC development.
CeCC developers attend Google Developer Day 2011 14 November 2011 CeCC developers joined 1300 other developers at the Google Developer Day in Sydney last week. Many topics were covered, including Android Development, HTML 5, Social , Geo and many more interesting areas that may be included in future CeCC development.
CeRDI Newsletter Winter 2021
The Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) operates as a business unit of the Federation University Australia. Through education, training, research, knowledge transfer and community and industry engagement CeRDI promotes the adoption and diffusion of information communication technologies (ICT) through out the wider community.
his study. Basharat is investigating the roles of data, digital agriculture and resilience in agricultural performance. The principal method of data collection for this research is an online survey. Participation in the research is open to anyone with an understanding of the importance of digital agriculture and resilience in agricultural performance. Continue reading... This project has received approval from the Federation University Australia Human Research Ethics Committee (project number: A20-130). For more information about Basharat’s research and/or …
Victorian Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub
The Victorian Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub commenced operations in 2021. The vision for the hub is for an innovative and profitable Victorian agriculture sector with sustainable landscapes, and resourceful and adaptable regional communit
HAZARD PLANNING AND RESILIENCE The Victorian Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub The Victorian Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub commenced operations in 2021. The vision for the hub is for an innovative and profitable Victorian agriculture sector with sustainable landscapes, and resourceful and adaptable regional communities. Through the hub, farm businesses will be better informed, more productive, and more profitable when future droughts occur. Background Commonwealth funding will support the establishment of eight Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation …
2015 Archived News
Read all the latest and archived CeRDI news items here.
> View Current News Items 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2000 1999 2015 Archived News Below are the latest CeRDI news items. CeRDI also publish a quarterly newsletter . CeRDI develops spatial map for endangered Leadbeater's Possum - 11 November 2015 A partnership between the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and CeRDI has led to the development of the Leadbeater's Possum …
A successful partnership to support practical legal training in regional, remote and rural Australia
Collaboration between Federation University Australia’s Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) and the National Association of Community Legal Centres Inc (NACLC) has culminated in the successful redevelopment and implementation of online ser
A successful partnership to support practical legal training in regional, remote and rural Australia 5 February 2014 Collaboration between Federation University’s Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) and the National Association of Community Legal Centres Inc (NACLC) has culminated in the successful redevelopment and implementation of online services to support the Practical Legal Training in Regional, Rural and Remote Australia project. NACLC is the national body for Community Legal Centres (CLCs) supporting not-for-profit, community-based …
Grants for networking
Two Ballarat organisations will receive funding under the Networking the Nation program.
Grants for networking 4 December 1999 Two Ballarat organisations will receive funding under the Networking the Nation program. The Chamber of Electronic Commerce - Western Victoria's project and the Regional Connectivity project - which were both incubated through the University of Ballarat - will receive funding of $274,000 and $257,000 respectively. The projects aim to enhance telecommunications and internet use in regional Victoria and share in $3.5 million of funding allocated to rural and regional …
New Intranet and Other Developments at Regional Library
The intranet/extranet services which CeCC has established for the Central Highlands Regional Library (CHRL) have gained rapid stakeholder acceptance. A new project is now underway to extend the service through the development of an online reference datab
New Intranet and Other Developments at Regional Library 7 March 2007 The intranet/extranet services which CeCC has established for the Central Highlands Regional Library Corporation (CHRLC) have gained rapid stakeholder acceptance. CHRLC is now able to distribute publishing rights to staff responsible for the different areas of the intranet. The ability to search, categorise and find resources has been vastly improved using a completely revamped user interface. The services currently available include: Advanced document management facility. Flexible categorisation …
Launch: Dementia Pathways Tool
An intuitive, online pathway designed to assist GPs, practice nurses and allied health professionals in the Grampians region with early intervention, diagnosis and ongoing management of patients with dementia was launched at Ballarat Health Services on 13
Launch: Dementia Pathways Tool 21 August 2013 An intuitive, online pathway designed to assist GPs, practice nurses and allied health professionals in the Grampians region with early intervention, diagnosis and ongoing management of patients with dementia was launched at Ballarat Health Services on 13 August 2013. This project, which has been supported by the Department of Health (Grampians region) and Grampians Medicare Local, has culminated in the development of online dementia pathways tool. The technical and online components of …
Neighbourhood Renewal: Wendouree West case study
The University of Ballarat has recently been engaged by the Department of Human Services to undertake research and document neighbourhood renewal outcomes.
Neighbourhood Renewal: Wendouree West case study 30 March 2006 Neighbourhood Renewal through community engagement and education: Wendouree West case study'. CECC has recently been engaged by the Department of Human Services and Wendouree West Community Renewal team to undertake research and produce a case study detailing community engagement and changes in local education approaches. The study will build on previous projects with the Department of Human Services which have included: Wendouree West Community Skills Survey (2003 - ongoing) Neighbourhood Renewal …
Distinguished Professor Helen Thompson
Distinguished Professor Helen Thompson, Centre Director
exhibition project . Ballarat, Australia: Centre for Electronic Commerce and Communications, University of Ballarat. Thompson, H. (2002). Final Report: regional portal . Ballarat, Australia: Centre for Electronic Commerce and Communications, University of Ballarat. Thompson, H. (1999). Victoria's Golden West Portal Project Business Case . Ballarat, Australia: Centre for Electronic Commerce and Communications, University of Ballarat. Completed supervisions Basharat Ali (Completed PhD 2023, Federation University) - Precision conservation agricultural practices (PCAPs) and agriculture performance: the mediating and moderating roles of FAIR …
ACCAN National Conference 2011
Dr Helen Thompson was recently in Sydney to present at the national Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) conference.
ACCAN National Conference 2011 15 September 2011 Dr Helen Thompson was recently in Sydney to present at the national Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) conference. Held in Sydney the 2011 ACCAN National Conference featured a wide variety of speakers from Government, industry, regulatory authorities and consumer groups. The conference offered an in-depth exploration of the bigger picture challenges, opportunities and possibilities presented by our broadband future. Senator Stephen Conroy, Minister for Communications, Broadband and the Digital Economy …
Wendouree West Community Study
Education Minister Bronwyn Pike launched a University of Ballarat report on Thursday 13 November. The report, written by Craig Marshall and Helen Thompson of the Centre for eCommerce & Communications (CeCC), was entitled "Neighbourhood Renewal through co
Wendouree West Community Study 21 November 2008 Education Minister Bronwyn Pike launched a University of Ballarat report on the Thursday 13th November. The report written by Craig Marshall and Helen Thompson of the Centre for eCommerce & Communications (CeCC) was entitled Neighbourhood Renewal through community engagement and education: Wendouree West case study. The report followed the development of the Wendouree West Community Learning Hub. An exciting new facility that brings together important education, health and community services all in the …
The State Wide Integrated Flora and Fauna Teams (SWIFFT)
The State Wide Integrated Flora and Fauna Teams (SWIFFT) is an initiative to advance citizen science by facilitating awareness and the sharing of knowledge in relation to biodiversity conservation and threatened species for Victoria.
Continue reading... Zoos Victoria and CeRDI - 1 October 2019 Extending collaborative eResearch opportunities for Fighting Extinction... Continue reading... Whale sightings and photo identification - 28 June 2019 CeRDI has worked with DELWP and the Arthur Rylah Institute to develop a new citizen science web portal.... Continue reading... New Citizen Science partnership with Zoos Victoria - 22 November 2018 CeRDI staff in have established an eResearch Collaboration with Zoos Victoria.... Continue reading... SWIFFT Update - 15 October 2018 New website launch, Regional Workshops, Collaborations …
2018 Archived News
Read all the latest and archived CeRDI news items here.
2018 The City of Greater Geelong, together with the Borough of Queenscliffe and project partners win prestigious Climate Adaptation Award.... Continue reading... CeRDI news snippets - Autumn 2018 - 16 June 2018 News snippets for; Online Farm Trials, Spatial Connect, Grampians Region Dementia Forum, Australian National Data Service monthly Tech Talk, etc...... Continue reading... EstuaryWatch wins 2018 Victorian Coastal Award - 29 May 2018 EstuaryWatch Victoria recently received a 2018 Victorian Coastal Award.... Continue reading... Visualising Victoria's Groundwater web portal relaunch - 13 …
2019 Parks and Leisure Australia Award of Excellence Research Project Award Sport and Recreational Spatial. 2017 Parks and Leisure Australia Award of Excellence Research Project Award Sport and Recreational Spatial. 2016 Victorian Sport Awards VicHealth S
Awards 2021 IoT Awards 2021 - Interoperability by Design category Finalist Project awarded: Visualising Australasia's Soils 2019 GovHack 2019 Winner: ILI Innovative Land Index by CeRDI-fied Visualising the soil quality of Victoria 2019 Parks and Leisure Australia Award of Excellence: Research Project awarded: Sport and Recreational Spatial 2017 2017 Parks and Leisure Australia Award of Excellence: Research Project awarded: Sport and Recreational Spatial 2016 2016 Victorian Sport Awards VicHealth Sport Development Initiative of the Year; Sport and Recreational …
Visualising Victorias Groundwater (VVG) Website launch
July 18th 2012. The Visualising Victorias Groundwater (VVG) website has been released to the public. Featuring a unique state-wide map of over 300,000 bores providing user friendly access to all the available groundwater data in Victoria.
Visualising Victorias Groundwater (VVG) Website launch 20 July 2012 The Visualising Victoria's Groundwater (VVG) website has been released to the public. Featuring a unique state-wide map of over 300,000 bores providing user friendly access to all the available groundwater data in Victoria. The website also features up to date project information, research data and collaborative tools. The website will continue to evolve over coming months, particularly the VVG spatial portal is the first version of several …
Australian National Soil Information System (ANSIS) - Soil Data Management Project
Australian National Soil Information System (ANSIS) – Soil Data Management Project
AGRICULTURE Australian National Soil Information System (ANSIS) - Soil Data Management Project CSIRO are seeking to expand engagement with Federation University so that third tier soil data custodians can be supported to participate in the ANSIS data federation. CSIRO will gain access to Federation University’s specialist expertise in soils data and data interoperability. In the period to June 2023 the focus for Federation University to support a number of third tier data providers in provisioning data to the ANSIS …
Central Highlands Health Justice Partnership
The Central Highlands Health Justice Partnership is delivering an integrated health justice service to improve the legal, health and wellbeing outcomes for disadvantaged young people. Facilitating early intervention and raising awareness of the impact of
the legal needs of young people through health services. Criminology in the New Era: Confronting Injustice and Inequalities , 13-16 November 2019, San Francisco, CA. Camilleri, M., Ollerenshaw, A., Corbett, J., Taylor, M. and Burrows, T. (2018). Central Highlands Health Justice Partnership: Evaluation report . Mount Helen, Australia: Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University. Ollerenshaw, A. and Camilleri, M. (2017). Health Justice Partnerships: Initial insights into the delivery of an integrated health and legal service for youth in regional …
2012 Archived News
Read all the latest and archived CeRDI news items here.
> View Current News Items 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2000 1999 2012 Archived News Below are the latest CeRDI news items. CeRDI also publish a quarterly newsletter . New data project to support the profiling of UB-wide research data - 5 December 2012 CeCC is leading a large, University-wide project to develop a centralised, research data repository that will improve the capture …
CropPro: An online revolution in Crop Diagnostics for Agronomists
CroPro, a new web-based Tool to assist agronomists to identify and manage cropping constraints has recently been launched. The Tool is the culmination of extensive development through paertnership between Federation University's CeRDI, GRDC and DEPI.
CropPro: An online revolution in Crop Diagnostics for Agronomists 17 December 2014 A new web-based diagnostic Tool to assist agronomists to identify and manage cropping constraints was recently launched following extensive development by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) , Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) and Federation University’s Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) . Advancing the availability of online information about wheat and canola crop growing, CropPro has three core functions including diagnosing …
Young Farmers for the Wimmera project
Find out more about this project which is undertaking a range of activities including a leadership program, a eMentoring website feasibility study, a DVD publication and scenario planning workshops.
Young Farmers for the Wimmera project 31 July 2009 The Department of Planning and Community Development promotes collaboration at the local level to achieve better outcomes for all Victorians. Victoria established Regional Management Forums in 2005 to make it easier for state government departments and local governments to work together. The Grampians Regional Management Forum comprises senior officers from each state government department and CEOs of councils in the Grampians region. The Grampians Regional Management Forum engages with regional …
CeRDI staff member wins prestigious national award in soil science
CeRDI staff member wins prestigious national award in soil science - Dr Nathan Robinson, senior research fellow at Federation Universitys Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI), has received the prestigious 2017 CG Stephens award from Soil Sc
CeRDI staff member wins prestigious national award in soil science 20 December 2017 Dr Nathan Robinson, senior research fellow at Federation University’s Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI), has received the prestigious 2017 CG Stephens award from Soil Science Australia. The award is granted to the best PhD for soil science across Australia. Nathan completed his PhD at Federation University in 2016, conducting research focused on digital soil mapping. Entitled “Assessing productive soil-landscapes in Victoria using …
CeRDI Newsletter Summer 2020
The Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) operates as a business unit of the Federation University Australia. Through education, training, research, knowledge transfer and community and industry engagement CeRDI promotes the adoption and diffusion of information communication technologies (ICT) through out the wider community.
completion in which the food agility scholarship holders presented a brief overview of their research. CeRDI post graduate students presenting their research at this event included: Dr Basharat Ali: ‘Relationship between precision conservation agricultural practices and agricultural performance: the moderating role of FAIRness of data and resilience in Australia’. Food Agility Summit 2020. Dr Rekha Attanayake: ‘Developing an online tool for comparison of lime application’. Food Agility Summit 2020 Robert Clark: ‘Predicting crop yield within the growing season at sub …
Privacy Statement & Disclaimer
CeRDI provides the following privacy statement in accordance with the Guidelines for Federal and ACT Government World Wide Websites issued by the Australian Privacy Commissioner.
Privacy Statement & Disclaimer CeRDI provides the following privacy statement in accordance with the Guidelines for Federal and ACT Government World Wide Websites issued by the Australian Privacy Commissioner. Cookies This website utilises a technology called cookies. Cookies are small pieces of information which can be stored on your hard drive (persistent cookies) or in memory (session cookies). They can record information about your visit to the site, allowing it to remember you next time you visit and provide a …
Newsletter Subscription
CeRDI distributes a newsletter every quarter. If you’d like to subscribe to the CeRDI Newsletter Mailing List, please enter your details below then click the Subscribe button.
Newsletter Subscription CeRDI distributes a newsletter every quarter. If you’d like to subscribe to the CeRDI Newsletter Mailing List, please enter your details below then click the Subscribe button. #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } /* Add your own MailChimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. */ Subscribe to our …
Southern right whale photo identification project
Southern Right Whale photo identification project - CeRDI has worked with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) and the Arthur Rylah Institute to develop a new citizen science web portal for SWIFFT
NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Southern Right Whale photo identification project CeRDI has worked with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) and the Arthur Rylah Institute to develop a new citizen science web portal for the State Wide Integrated Flora and Fauna Teams (SWIFFT) website. The portal has been created to support the Southern Right Whale research and photo identification program being undertaken by DEECA in Victoria. Southern Right Whale photo identification project - website portal Background Monitoring and recording …
Building Stronger Research Links with Rural Communities
The Centre for eCommerce and Communications, University of Ballarat, has been exploring collaborative research opportunities with Dr Helen Sheil, founder and Director the Centre for Rural Communities Inc.
Building Stronger Research Links with Rural Communities 30 April 2013 The Centre for eCommerce and Communications, University of Ballarat, has been exploring collaborative research opportunities with Dr Helen Sheil, founder and Director the Centre for Rural Communities Inc . With a wealth of experience in undertaking research, Dr Sheil’s has a track record in developing valuable resources for community development. Helen has also conducted research into social enterprise through partnerships with Universities/TAFEs leading to the development of professional …
Latest news from Visualising Victoria’s Groundwater
News and updates about one of CeCC’s flagship projects, Visualising Victoria’s Groundwater (VVG), is now available via the latest VVG newsletter.
Latest news from Visualising Victoria’s Groundwater 30 July 2013 News and updates about one of CeCC’s flagship projects, Visualising Victoria’s Groundwater (VVG), is now available via the latest VVG newsletter. Compiled by the project team, the newsletter features information about the VVG portal data (aquifer, bore and mineral springs data) together with updates about improving the VVG Tool menu, and current and future VVG data display developments. The latest newsletter also highlights information about the VVG …
RUN Regional Futures conference
The third annual RUN Regional Futures conference was held in Rockhampton from 21 to 24 June and was attended by over 150 delegates from the six RUN universities, government and business representatives.
RUN Regional Futures conference 5 July 2016 The third annual Regional Universities Network (RUN) Regional Futures conference was held in Rockhampton from 21 to 24 June and was attended by over 150 delegates from the six RUN universities, government and business representatives. It was an opportunity for a number of Federation University staff, researchers and HDR students to present their work. Federation University delegates included Prof Caroline Finch (ACRISP), Asso Prof Helen Thompson (CeRDI) and Bonnie Chew (Aboriginal Education …
CeCC to Participate in CeBIT Australia
In an exciting development, CeBIT have invited the University of Ballarat’s Centre for eCommerce and Communications (CeCC) to facilitate a workshop in May for the Business Intelligence (BI) and Big Data Conference at CeBIT Australia, Sydney.
CeCC to Participate in CeBIT Australia 8 April 2013 In an exciting development, CeBIT have invited the University of Ballarat’s Centre for eCommerce and Communications (CeCC) to facilitate a workshop in May for the Business Intelligence (BI) and Big Data Conference at CeBIT Australia, Sydney. CeBIT Australia is being touted as the foremost business technology industry gathering for the Asia Pacific region and is the launching pad for some of the latest industry advances. The event comprises a …
In-Paddock Variability of Plant Available Water
With the adoption of Precision Agriculture (PA) and implementation of site-specific crop management (SSCM) by farmers, there is a better understanding of both spatial and temporal variabilities in cropping fields and to a lesser extent, pastures. Large am
AGRICULTURE In-Paddock Variability of Plant Available Water PhD Candidate: Peter Weir Supervisors: Assoc Prof Peter Dahlhaus , Dr Nathan Robinson , and Assoc Prof Peter Vamplew Research overview With the adoption of Precision Agriculture (PA) and implementation of site-specific crop management (SSCM) by farmers, there is a better understanding of both spatial and temporal variabilities in cropping fields and to a lesser extent, pastures. Large amounts of data have been acquired by farm businesses by sampling and analysis, and …
Read all the latest and archived CeRDI newsletters here.
> View Current Newsletters 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 Newsletters If you would like to subscribe to the CeRDI Newsletter Mailing List , click here . To view all of the past issues of the CeRDI newsletter click here . CeRDI Newsletter Spring 2016 - 6 December 2016 In this issue: Message from the Director, Major awards for CeRDI, Launch of Waterwatch and EstuaryWatch, Agriculture Climate Resilience Project, Federation University - a key participant in CRC bids, ... Continue reading... CeRDI Newsletter …
CeRDI Newsletter Winter 2019
The Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) operates as a business unit of the Federation University Australia. Through education, training, research, knowledge transfer and community and industry engagement CeRDI promotes the adoption and diffusion of information communication technologies (ICT) through out the wider community.
supervisors include Associate Professor Peter Dahlhaus (CeRDI) and Dr Ander Guinea from Federation University’s School of Science, Engineering and Information Technology. IAH student presentations: Derek Walters will be presenting on his PhD research at the September meeting of the Victorian Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists. Derek is one of three students from three Victorian Universities, and the only Federation University student, to be presenting at the event. Derek’s presentation is “Port Phillip Bay: the real value …
2008 Archived News
Read all the latest and archived CeRDI news items here.
> View Current News Items 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2000 1999 2008 Archived News Below are the latest CeRDI news items. CeRDI also publish a quarterly newsletter . ATAP Launch at the Eureka Sky Deck - 1 December 2008 The Australian Tourism Accreditation program was recently launched at a morning tea at the Eureka Sky Deck. CeCC developed the underlying technical platforms for this …
Tracking the Migration of Latham's Snipe
The Latham’s Snipe project was initiated to better understand the ecology and habitat use of Latham’s snipe (Gallinago hardwickii), a shorebird species that breeds in Japan and migrates to Australia for the austral spring-summer. Using light-l
Australian Capital Territory show no change in arrival date. Australian Field Ornithology 34, 76-79. Hansen, B. (2016). Latham's Snipe tracking project — news brief. Wader Quest Newsletter 3, 17. Hansen, B ., Honan, J., Wilson, D., Chamberlain, R., Stewart, D., Gould, L. (2016). Konnichiwa Ojishigi: following Latham's Snipe from Japan to Australia. Tattler 41, 13-14. Hansen, B . (2016). Latham's Snipe use of urban versus non-urban wetland habitat in Victoria. Tattler 38, 15. Hansen, B . (2015). Latham …
CeRDI Newsletter Summer 2021
The Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) operates as a business unit of the Federation University Australia. Through education, training, research, knowledge transfer and community and industry engagement CeRDI promotes the adoption and diffusion of information communication technologies (ICT) through out the wider community.
application of information and communications technology (ICT) and the development of innovative, world class knowledge management systems; significantly advancing the digital literacy and knowledge management capabilities of partner organisations; fostering partnerships for the development and implementation of eResearch with industry, government and academia; and measuring the impact of eResearch and digital innovation through longitudinal research. Contact CeRDI For further details about CeRDI’s diverse portfolio of research please visit our website: , or contact Director, Associate Professor …
Measuring the Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts of Landslides and Floods in the Grampians Region
The social, economic and environmental impacts of the 2011 landslides and floods in and around the Grampians National Park in Victoria were investigated, with a particular emphasis on risk and resilience, from the perspectives of emergency services and in
Grampians Shire Council Lead Organisation, key project contributor and representative organisation on project steering committee Horsham Rural City Council Project partner and contributor; steering committee organisational member Ararat Rural City Council Project partner and contributor; steering committee organisational member VicRoads Project partner and contributor; steering committee organisational member Parks Victoria Project partner and contributor; steering committee organisational member Southern Grampians Shire Council Project partner and contributor; steering committee organisational member Victorian Country Fire Authority Project partner and contributor; steering committee …
The CRC for Transformations in Mining Economies (CRC TiME) enables sustained industry, research and community collaboration to address the complex challenges underpinning mine closure and relinquishment through innovative research. Federation University i
REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT CRC TiME The CRC for Transformations in Mining Economies (CRC TiME) enables sustained industry, research and community collaboration to address the complex challenges underpinning mine closure and relinquishment through innovative research. Federation University is a major partner of CRC TiME and is working in partnership with stakeholders to deliver resilient post-mining futures for all parties. PROJECTS PUBLICATIONS NEWS PROJECTS Mine Rehabilitation Trials Online The Mine Rehabilitation Trials Online project established and piloted data stewardship and governance …
CeCC Director Participating in Victoria’s Super Trade Mission in China
The Director for the Centre for eCommerce and Communications (CeCC) at the University of Ballarat, Dr Helen Thompson, has been selected to attend the Super Trade Mission in China this month. The visit includes a comprehensive itinerary of group and indivi
CeCC Director Participating in Victoria’s Super Trade Mission in China 19 September 2012 The Director for the Centre for eCommerce and Communications (CeCC) at the University of Ballarat, Dr Helen Thompson, has been selected to attend the Super Trade Mission in China this month, from 17 – 21 September 2012. The Super Trade Mission to China is being lead by The Victorian Premier, The Hon Ted Baillieu MLA, and includes over 600 delegates representing businesses and industries of strategic …
2004 Archived News
Read all the latest and archived CeRDI news items here.
> View Current News Items 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2000 1999 2004 Archived News Below are the latest CeRDI news items. CeRDI also publish a quarterly newsletter . Rural Law Online - A new resource for rural Victoria - 21 December 2004 Rural Law Online, a project initiated by the Victoria Law Foundation went 'live' this week. Based on the Rural Law Handbook publication, the …
FedUni Spatial
Our spatial research showcases the diverse range of projects that Federation University is supporting through the team at CeRDI. Projects are at various stages of their evolution but share common goals to inform ‘big picture’ understanding and
Farming Systems (SFS) soil probe network portal (ProbeTrax) has been established to monitor and assess soil temperature and moisture conditions from 62 soil probes which have been installed across the major soil types of the high rainfall zones of Victoria and Tasmania. Find out more River Detectives River Detectives is an exciting education initiative of Catchment Management Authorities (CMA’s) inspiring teachers and students to understand, appreciate and care for their local waterway through engaging, cross-curricular, citizen-science activities …
Sport and Recreation Spatial wins Parks and Leisure Australia Award
Sport and Recreation Spatial has received a Parks and Leisure Australia Award of Excellence in the Research Project category, for Victoria and Tasmania. News of the award came at the awards ceremony last week attended by Sport and Recreation Spatial leade
Sport and Recreation Spatial wins Parks and Leisure Australia Award 31 May 2017 Sport and Recreation Spatial has received a Parks and Leisure Australia Award of Excellence in the Research Project category, for Victoria and Tasmania. News of the award came at the awards ceremony last week attended by Sport and Recreation Spatial leader Associate Professor Rochelle Eime from Federation University and Victoria University. Parks and Leisure Australia is the peak industry association for professionals working in the Parks …
ATAP Launch at the Eureka Sky Deck
The Australian Tourism Accreditation program was recently launched at a morning tea at the Eureka Sky Deck. CeCC developed the underlying technical platforms for this comprehensive web-based accreditation program.
ATAP Launch at the Eureka Sky Deck 1 December 2008 The long-awaited national tourism accreditation program was launched on 31st October at a celebration at the Eureka Sky Deck, attended by Helen Thompson and Andrew MacLeod of CeCC. The Australian Tourism Accreditation Program ( ) has been based on services which were successfully piloted through a University of Ballarat, AusIndustry funded, pilot. The Building Better Business Online program ( was a business skills …
CeRDI Newsletter Spring 2019
The Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) operates as a business unit of the Federation University Australia. Through education, training, research, knowledge transfer and community and industry engagement CeRDI promotes the adoption and diffusion of information communication technologies (ICT) through out the wider community.
residents, members and council and CMA representatives, during a day of celebrations to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of the Yatmerone Reserve, Penshurst. Birgita presented a detailed outline of her Latham’s Snipe research. Birgita also announced that a small paddock in Penshurst had become site of national significance following a bird survey conducted by the Friends of Yatmerone Reserve. Continue reading... Conference attendance CeRDI’s Dr Nathan Robinson presented a paper at the Science, Technology, Engineers and Economics for …
Researchers elated by Latham’s Snipe recapture
Researchers elated by Latham’s Snipe recapture - Researchers working on the Lathams Snipe migration tracking project made an exciting and significant research advancement in November 2018 when they successfully recaptured the second ever Lathams Snipe car
Researchers elated by Latham’s Snipe recapture P03 back in Canberra Researchers working on the Latham’s Snipe migration tracking project made an exciting and significant research advancement in November 2018 when they successfully recaptured the second ever Latham’s Snipe carrying a light-level geolocator on its migration between Australia and Japan. Since geolocators were deployed on these shorebird species in the Spring of 2015 there has been only one Latham’s Snipe full migration track obtained. Data …
CeRDI Newsletter Winter 2021
The Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) operates as a business unit of the Federation University Australia. Through education, training, research, knowledge transfer and community and industry engagement CeRDI promotes the adoption and diffusion of information communication technologies (ICT) through out the wider community.
his study. Basharat is investigating the roles of data, digital agriculture and resilience in agricultural performance. The principal method of data collection for this research is an online survey. Participation in the research is open to anyone with an understanding of the importance of digital agriculture and resilience in agricultural performance. Continue reading... This project has received approval from the Federation University Australia Human Research Ethics Committee (project number: A20-130). For more information about Basharat’s research and/or …
CeRDI Newsletter Summer 2024
The Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) operates as a business unit of the Federation University Australia. Through education, training, research, knowledge transfer and community and industry engagement CeRDI promotes the adoption and diffusion of information communication technologies (ICT) through out the wider community.
supervisor Shoaib Riaz. PhD Completion: Congratulations to Dr Basharat Ali who received news of the successful completion of a Doctor of Philosophy. Basharat is an alumni of CeRDI. His PhD research “Investigating the roles of data, digital agriculture and resilience in agricultural performance”. Supervisors: Assoc Prof Peter Dahlhaus, Prof Helen Thompson, and Dr Nathan Robinson. Further information about Basharat’s PhD is available on the CeRDI website: …
Peter Weir
Peter Weir, PhD Candidate
Peter Weir PhD Candidate Supervisors: Assoc Prof Peter Dahlhaus , Dr Nathan Robinson , and Assoc Prof Peter Vamplew Peter commenced his PhD at CeRDI in February 2020. The aim of his research is to develop a conceptual model, using existing spatio-temporal data as the basis for predictions of within-paddock variability in plant-available water (PAW), which will consider local constraints, and uncertainty in the data. Assuming a credible and robust fine-scale PAW model can be achieved, the …
Citizen science: Knowledge, networks and the boundaries of participation
The water-related challenges facing humanity are complex and urgent. Although solutions are not always clear, involving the public in the processes of knowledge production and policy development is widely recognised as a critical part of this larger effor
NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Citizen science: Knowledge, networks and the boundaries of participation PhD: Patrick Bonney Supervisors: Dr Angela Murphy , Dr Birgita Hansen and Assoc Prof Claudia Baldwin Thesis: Citizen science: Knowledge, networks and the boundaries of participation Year commenced: 2016 Year completed: 2020 Research overview The water-related challenges facing humanity are complex and urgent. Although solutions are not always clear, involving the public in the processes of knowledge production and policy development is widely recognised as a critical part …
Young Australian Rural Network website launch
The Young Australian Rural Network website was launched on 11 October 2006. The Hon Peter McGauren MP, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry launched the new and improved YARN website at parliament house.
Young Australian Rural Network website launch 11 October 2006 The Young Australian Rural Network website was launched on 11 October 2006. The Hon. Peter McGauren MP, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry launched the new and improved YARN website at parliament house. "It is a great way to keep in touch with rural Australia and other young rural Australians.” The CECC content management suite has provided an excellent platform for the redevelopment. The website is managed by stakeholders in …
Historic Urban Landscapes in Ballarat
In September 2013 the City of Ballarat joined an international pilot program to implement UNESCO recommendations on Historic Urban Landscapes (HUL)* to ensure Ballarat’s growth continues to retain the character of the landscape and recognise its cultural
Historic Urban Landscapes in Ballarat 5 February 2015 In September 2013 the City of Ballarat joined an international pilot program to implement UNESCO recommendations on Historic Urban Landscapes (HUL)* to ensure Ballarat’s growth continues to retain the character of the landscape and recognise its cultural significance. The HUL Ballarat pilot program has a clear vision for equitable and sustainable change through an understanding of historic cities as layered and interrelated cultural landscapes by linking disciplines and involving collaborations …
Study to boost IT
Ballarats reputation as a leading information and communications technology centre will be bolstered following a State Government grant.
Study to boost IT 24 August 2005 BALLARAT'S reputation as a leading information and communications technology centre will be bolstered following a State Government grant. The $36,000 grant, announced yesterday by State and Regional Development Minister John Brumby, will fund a study into the status and future direction of Ballarat's ICT cluster. The University of Ballarat study will be undertaken over two months and involves interviewing about 150 Ballarat ICT service providers and users. UoB Centre …
CeRDI Newsletter Winter 2016
In this issue: Message from the Director, Online Farm Trials and Online Final Reports, South West Climate Change Portal, CeRDI 2015 Annual Report, Great South Coast Digital Strategy, Latham’s Snipe team visit to Hokkaido - Japan, CeRDI hosts Western Alli
University), Professor Suzanne McLaren (Associate Supervisor; Federation University) and Associate Professor Helen Thompson (Associate Supervisor, Federation University). Federation University Research Conference . There was a strong presence of CeRDI post-grads at the conference that was held at the Mt Helen Campus during July. CeRDI PhD students David Ebbs, Thomas Hill, Shirish Sharma and Himalaya Singh each delivered oral presentations during the conference. Chris Bahlo presented a poster at the conference. Congratulations to Thomas Hill who received third prize at the …
Hunter Newns Group new website
A Hamilton based legal and financial services firm are using the CECC platform to manage and deliver their web presence.
Hunter Newns Group new website 23 March 2005 Hunter Newns/Southern Financial Group - A Hamilton based legal and financial services firm approached a number of organisations during 2004 to request a quotation for enhancing the firm's existing website. A key requirement was for the firm to be able to fully manage the redeveloped website. CECC was selected as the preferred supplier and since that time further development services have been provided as an outcome of a merger which …
New Citizen Science partnership with Zoos Victoria
New Citizen Science partnership with Zoos Victoria - Staff in CeRDIs Natural Environment research area, led by Research Associate Robert Milne, have established an eResearch Collaboration with Zoos Victoria to enhance data capture and citizen science enga
New Citizen Science partnership with Zoos Victoria Staff in CeRDI’s Natural Environment research area, led by Research Associate Robert Milne, have established an eResearch Collaboration with Zoos Victoria to enhance data capture and citizen science engagement for the Zoo’s Fighting Extinction program . The Fighting Extinction program , which aims to prevent the loss of threatened wildlife, currently includes local and international conservation campaigns and research, as well as public education programs, captive breeding and re-introduction and support …
More People, More Active, More Often: The launch of the Sport and Recreation Spatial website and portal
The Sport and Recreation Spatial project website and portal was launched in December 2012. It presents important spatial data for the sport and recreation industry in Australia and is already gaining much interest, with some senior sporting industry offic
More People, More Active, More Often: The launch of the Sport and Recreation Spatial website and portal 11 February 2013 A significant milestone was recently achieved with the December 2012 launch of the Sport and Recreation Spatial project website and portal. This presents comprehensive past and current state and national sport and recreation participation data which can be accessed by peak sporting bodies, local and community sports clubs and organisations – as well as the general public. The Sport and …
Paul Feely
Paul Feely, Senior Systems Analyst Programmer
Paul Feely Senior Systems Analyst Programmer Paul joined CeRDI in 2003 and has over 10 years' experience in both front end and back end development utilising various open source technologies. Recent major projects as a lead developer include Waterwatch Victoria, EstuaryWatch Victoria, Online Farm Trials and Sport and Recreation Spatial. Paul completed his Bachelor of Computing/Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Ballarat in 2001, and completed his Honours in Computing during 2003 while working part-time with …
Client Forum 2005 - Presentations now available
The 2005 Client Forum and Networking Session was held on the 26th April 2005, with more than twenty-five participants from regional and metropolitan Victoria and Canberra. The program and copies of client presentations are now available.
Client Forum 2005 - Presentations now available 23 March 2005 CECC hosted its Second Annual Client Networking Forum on 26 April 2005 and the day was well received by all attendees. This year's program focussed on presentations with six clients asked to present recent projects. The diverse mix of clients that CECC regularly deals with provided a broad and fascinating discussion of projects. Many clients discovered new features or functionality applicable to their own activities and this is really …
The CRC for Transformations in Mining Economies (CRC TiME) enables sustained industry, research and community collaboration to address the complex challenges underpinning mine closure and relinquishment through innovative research. Federation University i
REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT CRC TiME The CRC for Transformations in Mining Economies (CRC TiME) enables sustained industry, research and community collaboration to address the complex challenges underpinning mine closure and relinquishment through innovative research. Federation University is a major partner of CRC TiME and is working in partnership with stakeholders to deliver resilient post-mining futures for all parties. PROJECTS PUBLICATIONS NEWS PROJECTS Mine Rehabilitation Trials Online The Mine Rehabilitation Trials Online project established and piloted data stewardship and governance …
2025 Archived News
Read all the latest and archived CeRDI news items here.
> View Current News Items 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2000 1999 2025 Archived News Below are the latest CeRDI news items. CeRDI also publish a quarterly newsletter .
CeRDI Newsletter Autumn 2017
CeRDI Newsletter Autumn 2017 - Welcome to the latest newsletter from the Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI). With so much activity underway, this newsletter provides an opportunity to capture and celebrate recent research milestones and s
Federation University’s Faculty of Health with the City of Melton and Western BACE as industry partners. Supervisors: Dr Angela Murphy and Associate Professor Helen Thompson from CeRDI and Prof Suzanne McLaren, School of Health Sciences and Psychology, Faculty of Health, Federation University. Postgraduate student news Congratulations to the following CeRDI students who recently completed their Confirmation of Candidature presentations during May: Chris Bahlo, Thomas Hill, Alison Ollerenshaw and Shirish Sharma. About CeRDI The Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation …
2023 Archived News
Read all the latest and archived CeRDI news items here.
reading... Australian Research Data Commons Initiative and Co-investment - 10 March 2023 The ARDC is coinvesting $3.6 million to address pressing research data challenges for Australia's food security.... Continue reading... News snippets - 10 March 2023 Includes: Food Agility CRC summit, Soil Science Australia 2023 conference, recent publications, writing retreat, and Sustainable Soils Forum 2023. ... Continue reading... Higher Degrees by Research news - 10 March 2023 CeRDI's PhD candidates are conducting research on diverse topics, many with industry support …
Moorabool communities to go online
The Moorabool Shire Council has recently appointed CECC to undertake the Website Facilitator component of the Communities and Technologies Project. This project aims to support six communities in establishing local township websites within the Moorabool
Moorabool communities to go online 4 June 2005 The Moorabool Shire Council has recently appointed CECC to undertake the Website Facilitator component of the Communities and Technologies Project. This project aims to support six communities in establishing local township websites within the Moorabool Online Community ( The township websites will be similar to the website developed by the Mt Egerton community ( The CAT project is supported by the Macpherson Smith Community Alliance an …
Dr Alicia Reynolds
  Dr Alicia Reynolds Add title here Call: 03 5327 9314 Email: Profile Publications Research projects Supervision Insert profile content here... Accordion header Insert your reference here. Insert your
factory wastewater and soil water on the determination of disinfection by-products and para-cresol using solid-phase microextraction. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 67 (1), pp. 55-66. Heaven, M. W., Verheyen, V., Cruickshank, A., Wild, K., Watkins, M., & Nash, D. (2012). Characterization of trace organic compounds in recycled water used for irrigation on turf and comparison with rain. Agricultural Water Management, 103 , 176-181. Mosse, K. P., Verheyen, T. V., Cruickshank, A. J., Patti, A. F., & Cavagnaro, T …
CeRDI 25 years
The Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) operates as a business unit of the Federation University Australia. Through education, training, research, knowledge transfer and community and industry engagement CeRDI promotes the adoption and diffusion of information communication technologies (ICT) through out the wider community.
CeRDI 25 years CeRDI is celebrating its 25 year anniversary. This milestone was recently acknowledged with a special forum showcasing CeRDI’s research and technology achievements over the years - with contributions from our industry partners, senior leadership at Federation, the CeRDI team and members of the Federation University community. The event was a celebration of CeRDI’s achievements and our important research and industry partnerships. Special guest speakers included Keith Russell, Director Outreach, Australian Research Data Commons, Bret Ryan …
2016 Archived News
Read all the latest and archived CeRDI news items here.
> View Current News Items 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2000 1999 2016 Archived News Below are the latest CeRDI news items. CeRDI also publish a quarterly newsletter . CeRDI Newsletter Spring 2016 - 6 December 2016 In this issue: Message from the Director, Major awards for CeRDI, Launch of Waterwatch and EstuaryWatch, Agriculture Climate Resilience Project, Federation University - a key participant in CRC bids …
Professional development for CeCC programmers
Paul and Scott attended the Google DevFest conference in Sydney in July 2010.
Professional development for CeCC programmers 30 July 2010 Paul Feely and Scott Limmer attended this years Google DevFest Conference in Sydney in July to learn more about social media and geographical mapping services. DevFest is an annual event run by Google and held in cities around the world. The events provide an opportunity to learn more about Google technologies and developer products, meet developer advocates and engineers, and network with technicians and programmers. The ‘social’ conference covered open and …
Spatial Connect
Spatial Connect is a project undertaken by Federation University Australia’s Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) in partnership with the Geography Teachers Association of Victoria Inc. (GTAV).
through the use of spatial technology in a real-world context. Lessons required: 3-4 lessons Download 1.88 MB Exploring Victoria's Biodiversity Level: 9/10 Aims: Students will: understand the distribution and diversity of Victoria’s flora and fauna relate a variety of environmental factors to determine the presence and diversity of species appreciate that the application of a Geographic Information System (GIS) can be useful for scientific research. Lessons required: 3-4 lessons. Download 1.25 MB …
CeRDI Newsletter Autumn 2022
The Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) operates as a business unit of the Federation University Australia. Through education, training, research, knowledge transfer and community and industry engagement CeRDI promotes the adoption and diffusion of information communication technologies (ICT) through out the wider community.
Institute for Energy Studies Paper: ET 09, Oxford UK. 31p. Higher Degrees by Research news Industry Internship CeRDI PhD candidate Dr Rekha Attanayake Industry internships are an important vehicle for bridging the gap between formal education and real-world experience. Earlier this year, CeRDI PhD candidate Dr Rekha Attanayake completed a three month internship with Agriculture Victoria. The internship involved conducting …
CeRDI Newsletter Winter 2020
The Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) operates as a business unit of the Federation University Australia. Through education, training, research, knowledge transfer and community and industry engagement CeRDI promotes the adoption and diffusion of information communication technologies (ICT) through out the wider community.
practices’ at the meeting. Completion of confirmation of candidature represents is a significant milestone during the first year of a PhD project. Basharat is supervised by CeRDI’s Associate Professors Peter Dahlhaus and Helen Thompson, and Dr Nathan Robinson. Basharat’s research is supported by industry partners: Precision Agriculture Pty Ltd and the Food Agility CRC. For further information about Basharat’s PhD see Rob Clark successfully completed his confirmation of candidature in …
Trialling New Technologies for the Australian Dairy Industry in Victoria
Since January 2012, the Centre for eCommerce and Communications (CeCC) at the University of Ballarat has been working closely with Dairy Innovation Australia Limited (DIAL) to develop a spatial application for its milk production database, called C-Milk.
Trialling New Technologies for the Australian Dairy Industry in Victoria 7 November 2012 Since January 2012, the Centre for eCommerce and Communications (CeCC) at the University of Ballarat has been working closely with Dairy Innovation Australia Limited (DIAL) to develop a spatial application for its milk production database, called C-Milk. During this time, CeCC has developed an on-line spatial application to visualise dairy production per region and dairy industry location. The dairy industry in Australia collects enormous …
Higher Degree by Research Students
CeRDIs higher degree by research (HDR) students are part of a multidisciplinary research centre with a strong research culture and established industry connections. Many of CeRDIs HDR students have received industry scholarships that enable deeper researc
Australia Collegiality and support are the key things that separate CeRDI from other universities and post graduate settings Geologist Nathan Robinson commenced his PhD at Federation University Australia in 2012, following an illustrious career in soil and landscape analysis working with the Victorian government. Nathan’s interest in soils formed the basis of his award-winning PhD research which examined soil productivity in Victorian landscapes using digital soil mapping. Nathan’s decision to commence a PhD at Federation University was …
Stakeholders spruik the internet
The Western Victoria Chamber of E-Commerce has launched a regional web portal, to boost e-commerce uptake among funding and skill-strapped communities in regional Victoria
Stakeholders spruik the internet 21 July 2000 Ballarat business leaders became acquainted with one of the district's newest sources of on-line information yesterday. is a community- based Internet project by the Chamber of Electronic Commerce and Communications. The aim is to bring together community groups and businesses in the Western District to be accessed through a single website, or portal. Representatives from Small Business Victoria, VECCI, the Central Highland Area Consultative Committee and The …
Sport and Recreation Spatial a finalist in the 2015 VicHealth Awards
Sport and Recreation Spatial, a joint research initiative between Federation University Australia and Victoria University has been nominated as a finalist in the ‘Research into Action’ category of the 2015 VicHealth Awards.
Sport and Recreation Spatial a finalist in the 2015 VicHealth Awards 5 November 2015 Sport and Recreation Spatial, a joint research initiative between Federation University and Victoria University has been nominated as a finalist in the ‘Research into Action’ category of the 2015 VicHealth Awards. The VicHealth awards recognise the significant health promotion achievements of projects that support and promote healthier, happier Victorian communities. Sport and Recreation Spatial was established with the aim of investigating sport and recreation participation …
2015 Victorian Spatial Excellence Awards winners
CeRDI has been recognised and honoured at the Victorian Spatial Excellence Awards 2015 receiving the Award for People and Community and the Award for Environment and Sustainability
2015 Victorian Spatial Excellence Awards winners 11 September 2015 The outstanding achievements and leadership of Federation University's Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) have been recognised at the Victorian Spatial Excellence Awards 2015 gala dinner at the Regent Theatre, Melbourne. CeRDI has been honoured receiving both the Award for People and Community and the Award for Environment and Sustainability. Award for Environment and Sustainability The Corangamite Soil Health Knowledge Base has received the Victorian Spatial Excellence Award …
NBN Co announces Bacchus Marsh as second release site
NBN Co has announced Bacchus Marsh as one of 19 new locations for the next stage of the National Broadband Network.
NBN Co announces Bacchus Marsh as second release site 8 July 2010 NBN Co has announced Bacchus Marsh as one of 19 new locations for the next stage of the National Broadband Network. This will see Moorabool Shire among one of the first 40 communities in Australia to benefit from high speed internet access delivered through the National Broadband Network. In April 2009 Lateral Plains and the Centre for eCommerce and Communications were engaged by Moorabool Shire and Multimedia …
Bushfire Legal Help website
During Februrary 2009, the University of Ballarat assisted in the rapid development and launch of the Bushfire Legal Help website. This new service has been established to provide legal information to bushfire affected communities.
Bushfire Legal Help website 17 March 2009 Bushfire Legal Help is a joint initiative of Victoria Legal Aid, Federation of Community Legal Centres, PILCH, Law Institute of Victoria, Victorian Bar and the Victoria Law Foundation (Partners). Bushfire Legal Help is a response by the legal community to the recent Victorian bushfires and includes a 1800 legal help line, community-specific legal clinics and legal information for the community and lawyers During February 2009, the University of Ballarat agreed to …
2007 Archived News
Read all the latest and archived CeRDI news items here.
Service - Law Handbook Online Launch - 18 March 2007 For thirty years the Law Handbook has been the essential guide to law in Victoria. This authoritative publication entered a new era when the Victorian Law Handbook Online project was offi... Continue reading... DAFF Launches New Online Applications System - 7 March 2007 A new online service which will support the Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) in receiving and reviewing applications for the was launched on March 6.... Continue reading... UB …
Sport and Recreation Spatial | Victorian Sport Development Initiative of the Year
Sport and Recreation Spatial has been awarded as the Victorian Sport Development Initiative of the Year at the 2016 Victorian Sport Awards gala ceremony in Melbourne.
Sport and Recreation Spatial | Victorian Sport Development Initiative of the Year 10 April 2017 Sport and Recreation Spatial has been awarded the 2016 Victorian Sport Award for the Victorian Sport Development Initiative of the Year. The awards were announced at a gala ceremony in Melbourne on 31 March which was attended by Associate Professor Rochelle Eime from Victoria University and Federation University, and the Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation’s Associate Professor Helen Thompson. Sport and Recreation Spatial …
CeRDI Newsletter Spring 2019
The Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) operates as a business unit of the Federation University Australia. Through education, training, research, knowledge transfer and community and industry engagement CeRDI promotes the adoption and diffusion of information communication technologies (ICT) through out the wider community.
residents, members and council and CMA representatives, during a day of celebrations to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of the Yatmerone Reserve, Penshurst. Birgita presented a detailed outline of her Latham’s Snipe research. Birgita also announced that a small paddock in Penshurst had become site of national significance following a bird survey conducted by the Friends of Yatmerone Reserve. Continue reading... Conference attendance CeRDI’s Dr Nathan Robinson presented a paper at the Science, Technology, Engineers and Economics for …
Longitudinal Impact
Researchers in CeRDI are currently implementing a programmatic approach to measuring the impact of technology on improved decision making and on supporting practice change. To achieve this impact assessment goal the researchers are applying a longitudinal
terms of the provision of: Timely, informed and accurate responses to those seeking information/answers to queries; Improved mechanisms for making informed decisions - maximising the potential for good outcomes and positive developments across a field of study; and, Increased potential for collaboration and connection through shared local and national data sets. Theme 6: The provision of multiple data sets with a single point of access, and the facility of interoperability, establishes a unique opportunity to collate, cross reference and consolidate …
Soil Health Knowledge Base
The Soil Health Knowledge Base is a repository of soil health information for the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CCMA) and the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority (GHCMA).
datasets were identified, harmonised, and delivered through interoperable technologies, the domain experts were able to work with the technical team to develop report formats which bring together key information from the disparate data-sources. This includes the ability to extract and statistically manipulate raw data into meaningful indicators of soil health. Where private soil test data is provided at the farm paddock scale, the data is averaged from a minimum number of soil-tests within a 5km radius (considering variations …
Dr Nathan Robinson
Dr Nathan Robinson, Senior Research Fellow
Robinson, N., Baxter, N., Hocking, M., & Byrt, C. (2004). Evaluating a methodology for strategic soil-landform mapping in the Wimmera, Victoria Australia. DSM Workshop, Montpellier, France. Feuerherdt, C., & Robinson, N. (2004). Deriving soils using 3D visualization. DSM Workshop, Montpellier, France. Robinson, N., Rees, D., MacEwan, R., Imhof, M., Feuerherdt, C., Reynard, K., Boyle, G., & Baxter, N. (2004). Corangamite Land Resource Assessment project - providing consistent land resource information across south-west Victoria. 'Supersoil'. Proceedings of the International Soil Science Conference 2004 …
Dr Alison Ollerenshaw
Dr Alison Ollerenshaw Senior Research Fellow
Documenting the initial experiences of tenants in the Business Accelerator Program at the Western BACE . Ballarat, Australia: Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University. Ollerenshaw, A., & Corbett, J. (2016). Central Highlands Digital Enterprise Program: Overview of research evaluation findings . Ballarat, Australia: Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University Australia. Ollerenshaw, A., Murphy, A. , McDonald, K., & Thompson, H. (2015). Western BACE Partnership Research Report 2015 . Ballarat, Australia: Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University. Murphy, A. , Dahlhaus, P …
Digital Economy Update
Click on the heading above for more information about recent activity with; NBN rollout plans, Digital economy strategy, Digital Hubs and Digital Enterprise programs and Benefits of coordinated response.
Digital Economy Update 17 April 2012 NBN rollout plans NBN Co rollout plans confirm that the Central Highlands Region will be amount the first communities to benefit from the NBN. Rollout activities will include fibre in Bacchus Marsh, Central Ballarat and Creswick and fixed wireless services in parts of the City of Ballarat and Golden Plains, Hepburn, Moorabool and Pyrenees Shires. For more details see . Digital economy strategy The University of Ballarat Centre for eCommerce …
Climate Variability and Grazing
Perennial Pasture Systems (PPS) is leading a project, with CeRDI and Agriculture Victoria, to use technologies with pasture growth predictors for on-farm decision making in response to changes in climate and environment.
AGRICULTURE Climate Variability and Grazing Perennial Pasture Systems (PPS) is leading a project, with CeRDI and Agriculture Victoria, to use technologies with pasture growth predictors for on-farm decision making in response to changes in climate and environment. Background CeRDI is contributing to the project which is examining informed decisions for managing climate variability in grazing systems. Led by Perennial Pasture Systems (PPS) with technical assistance from Agriculture Victoria, the project involves applying available technologies in combination to provide …
Technology transfer for businesses
The Technology Transfer Gateway provides a way for businesses to access expertise from the University of Ballarat.
Technology transfer for businesses 20 February 2004 Do you run a business and need to know what sort of technology you could use to make things more efficient, improve productivity or just generally run better? The Technology Transfer Gateway provides a way for businesses to access academic expertise. The University of Ballarat through the Centre for Electronic Commerce and Communications is the first Australian University to join the project after an initial pilot conducted by Monash University in the …
Video gallery
Video gallery. News videos. Documentaries. Technology videos.
2018 Archived News
Read all the latest and archived CeRDI news items here.
2018 The City of Greater Geelong, together with the Borough of Queenscliffe and project partners win prestigious Climate Adaptation Award.... Continue reading... CeRDI news snippets - Autumn 2018 - 16 June 2018 News snippets for; Online Farm Trials, Spatial Connect, Grampians Region Dementia Forum, Australian National Data Service monthly Tech Talk, etc...... Continue reading... EstuaryWatch wins 2018 Victorian Coastal Award - 29 May 2018 EstuaryWatch Victoria recently received a 2018 Victorian Coastal Award.... Continue reading... Visualising Victoria's Groundwater web portal relaunch - 13 …
CeRDI Approach
CeRDI applies eResearch and the development of innovative digital solutions to bridge the gap between academic research and government, industry and community needs.
increasing popularity in being the source for useful data and information Practice impact : surveys confirm that web portals changed the way citizens and industry practitioners source their data and the way in which government authorities respond to data requests Sector impact : interviews demonstrate that web portals changed the way in which sectors provision data by demonstrating a need for different forms and types of data [1] Brodaric, B., Boisvert, E., Chery, L., Dahlhaus, P., Grellet, S., Kmoch, A., Letourneau, F …
Official launch of and the Central Highlands Export Mentor Pool were offically launched on 14 August 2003.
Official launch of 14 August 2003 Two new resources to grow exports from the Central Highlands! and the Central Highlands Export Mentor Pool grew from the "Growing Jobs Through Export" project, a project made possible through Regional Assistance Programme funding administered by the Department of Transport and Regional Services. The project was funded to achieve the following three objectives: Grow Export Capability Increase the skills base within the export sector Develop an Export Culture During …
Beach Usage Research
CeRDI was commissioned by the Barwon Coast Committee of Management to undertake research to understand and inform a range of complex coastal usage and environmental management issues being experienced across the Barwon coast. The research provides an evid
NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Beach Usage Research CeRDI was commissioned by the Barwon Coast Committee of Management to undertake research to understand and inform a range of complex coastal usage and environmental management issues that were being experienced across the Barwon coast. The research provides an evidence base about the social, seasonal and culture issues that influence how different community groups use and identify with the coastal environment throughout the year. Background CeRDI undertook research with beach users and the wider …
Visualising Victoria’s Biodiversity
Visualising Victoria’s Biodiversity (VVB) is an online portal that provides the Victorian community with access to a wide range of spatial information on Victoria's environmental values, conservation activities and research. The portal federate
the user to query information available on the portal (or linked to the portal through an Application Programming Interface) for a local area of interest. This feature is intended to meet the need of end users, by producing a list of environmental and biodiversity values (e.g., flora and fauna species list) in their area. Links to the original sources of information ensure that data is correctly attributed and that users can seek more information from the data custodian. Visualising …
2020 Archived News
Read all the latest and archived CeRDI news items here.
reading... Visualising Victoria's Groundwater (VVG) - 10 March 2020 CeRDI's award-winning project VVG is set to benefit from updated data sharing arrangements with two of its primary custodians... Continue reading... University Research Centre application - 10 March 2020 In January, CeRDI responded to the University's call for University Research Centre renewals and applications... Continue reading... FRRR and Fire Fight Australia - 10 March 2020 FRRR has seen a significant increase in donations since the start of 2020 as a …