Knowledge Sharing for Good Soil Stewardship
Knowledge Sharing for Good Soil Stewardship project is funded by the Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils (Soil CRC ). The project will identify knowledge-sharing strategies to increase landholder engagement in soil health improvement practices. An integral research activity for the project involves the assessment and use of digital engagement and online tools by participant grower groups collaborating on the project.
Knowledge Sharing for Good Soil Stewardship project is applying knowledge sharing strategies to improve the uptake of new innovations and best practice for soil management in farming communities. Southern Cross University is leading this two-year project (2021-2023) which received major investment funding from the Soil CRC.
Project partners include industry organisations, grower groups, and universities.
CeRDI is a partner on the project and is conducting research to monitor and document the role and application of digital strategies used by the four grower groups across the duration of the KSP. Specifically:
The CeRDI team…will support the use of online analytics to assess the use and impact of digital and online tools identified by grower-groups, such as Apps, podcasts, and websites, and the Visualising Australasian Soils tool (Project proposal to Soil CRC, 2021, p. 5).
The digital engagement guide is a key output linked to this project. The guide has been informed by research and engagement activities drawn from interviews with participating grower groups and secondary data to document grower group digital engagement tools and activities.
The digital engagement research demonstrates that grower groups are using an extensive range of digital engagement tools. They have a breadth of knowledge, skills, and experience in using digital engagement tools for sharing information and knowledge across their networks, with members (including farmer-producers), their sponsors and funders and the broader agriculture community.
A key outcome from this research has been the development of a digital engagement guide. The guide presents a compilation of key steps, practical ideas and considerations for communication and knowledge sharing using digital engagement tools. The guide has been informed by the research findings and includes practical areas of focus in the planning and implementation of digital engagement in agriculture. Five key elements comprise the guide presenting concepts and ideas related to digital engagement, including understanding, planning, audience, delivery and monitoring.
This research synthesises how the four grower groups in Australia are utilising digital engagement tools. The findings are unique, showcasing a deep understanding and commitment by grower groups to share information, and to communicate through their networks and members, using a wide range of digital engagement tools.
Three rounds of interviews were conducted across three timepoints with representatives from each of the four participating grower groups. Secondary data from process diaries compiled by staff at each grow groups about their undertaking digital and other engagement activities over the course of the project were collected and analysed.
Dr Hanabeth Luke, Southern Cross University (Lead researcher)
Dr Yvonne Haigh, Murdoch University
Prof Helen Thompson, Federation University
Dr Alison Ollerenshaw, Federation University (University lead)
Assoc Prof Peter Dahlhaus, Federation University
Dr Nathan Craig, West Midlands Group
Naomi Scholz, Ag Innovation and Research Eyre Peninsula (AIR EP)
Diana Fear, Central West Farming Systems
Fiona Best, Birchip Cropping Group
Dr In-Young Yeo, The University of Newcastle
Sonia Weiss, Southern Cross University
Dr Sarina Kilham, Southern Cross University
Dr Martin Brueckner, Murdoch Univeristy
Research Findings Fact Sheet - Digital Engagement.
Ollerenshaw, A., & Thompson, H. (2023). Knowledge sharing for good soil stewardship: Digital Engagement Guide. Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University Australia. 30p.33p.
Program 1 panel – Knowledge sharing (30:07)
The knowledge sharing panel asked the question ‘How can we do it better?’ Soil CRC’s Program 1 Leader Professor Catherine Allan guided the discussion with Hanabeth Luke from Southern Cross University, Simon Kruger from West Midlands Group, Eyre Peninsula consultant David Davenport and Soil CRC’s Felicity Harrop. Recorded at the 2023 Soil CRC Participants Conference in Launceston, Tasmania, on 30 August 2023.
Knowledge sharing for good soil stewardship - 22 September 2023
Dr Hanabeth Luke of Southern Cross University is leading the Soil CRC’s research effort to address challenges with sharing knowledge... Continue reading...
Soil-Stewardship and knowledge sharing project - 10 June 2022
Soil is a fundamental resource on which much depends, and the careful and responsible management of soils (soil-stewardship) has an important role...... Continue reading...