Heritage and Culture
CeRDI is working with regional Victorian organisations, local governments, and indigenous groups on important initiatives to support and promote culture and heritage. CeRDI has a key role in projects that maintain, build and promote built and natural environments. eResearch strategies together with clever portal development technologies are being used to meet a range of objectives that support knowledge building in heritage and culture within and across communities.
Aboriginal Heroes of Fire, Food and Flood
According to researchers from Federation University, hundreds of colonists in 19th century Victoria were rescued from bushfires, flooded rivers or from being lost in the bush by Aboriginal people. Research conducted at Federation University has document the stories of Aboriginal heroes who have shaped Victoria’s history between 1800 and 1930.
Historic Urban Landscapes Ballarat
CeRDI and the City of Ballarat have collaborated on the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) Ballarat web portal. The portal is one of the strategies developed for Ballarat, as a member of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Historic Urban Landscape Global project, to ensure the city continues to retain its character, landscape and cultural significance as it grows.
Lucas Girls Avenue of Honour: Audio tour
A series of audio tours focusing on the men and women from Ballarat and surrounding districts who served during WW1 were launched in 2021. The eight audio tours, which are available via the Avenue of Honour website, commemorate the substantial involvement of the employees (the ‘Lucas Girls’) from E. Lucas & Co textile company, who planted many of the trees along Ballarat’s Avenue of Honour.
Virtual Honour Roll
CeRDI is collaborating on a project with the Ballarat Returned Services League (Ballarat RSL) to establish a virtual Honour Roll to record the men and women from Ballarat and surrounding districts that enlisted during World War II.
Visualising Ballarat
Visualising Ballarat is a spatial mapping tool which is embedded within the Historic Urban Landscapes (HUL) web portal. Visualising Ballarat is a mechanism for knowledge building and for planning, enabling end users to directly access complex data sets from a single point of access and to participate in the localised knowledge building process. The data sets available include data relating to historic landscapes, trees, parks, views, and landmarks, natural landscapes, geology, services and infrastructure, boundaries and regulatory tools.
Yarrowee River History: From Peel to Prest
CeRDI has been working with Federation University historian Dr David Waldron on a web portal to map key points of cultural and historical interest along the Yarrowee River.