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CeRDI Newsletter Summer 2025

Message from the Director

Distinguished Professor Helen Thompson  

Distinguished Professor
Helen Thompson


It has been an exciting start to 2025 with research activities in full swing and new partnerships and research programs in the pipeline.

We are pleased to announce a three year extension to our long-term partnership with Precision Agriculture which has significantly contributed to advancing agribusiness decision-making through data, insights, and action, ultimately benefiting the agricultural community. In the coming years, our research partnership will focus on improving soil nutrient calculations, enhanced reporting and data analytics.

The Southern Farming Systems led Assessing the Small Farm Dams project is enhancing hydrological understanding of how dams capture and retain water, especially during drought conditions. Data from drones and sonar surveys are used to map dam structures, deliver new and important information to assist farmers to better manage water security on their properties. Additional data is being collected from the weather stations, soil moisture probes and water level sensors. A spatial decision support tool has also been developed to allow advisors and farmers to assess the suitability of their existing dams.

In February, I attended my first meeting as a newly appointed member of the Soil CRC Board. Held in Ballarat, the meeting provided an opportunity to work with the other Board members to support and extend the work and vision for the Soil CRC. CeRDI researchers and Federation University PhD students, provided updates to the Board about research and projects supported by Soil CRC funding. In other news, Dr Nathan Robinson has recently been appointed by the Soil CRC as Program Leader for the Soil performance metrics research program.

The stories in this newsletter highlight a selection of just some of the collaborations CeRDI is supporting. Please get in touch with any ideas that you may have for collaborating with us. 

Distinguished Professor Helen Thompson
Director, CeRDI

March 2025


Precision Agriculture - CeRDI partnership extended

Precision Agriculture - CeRDI partnership extended  

CeRDI and Precision Agriculture Pty Ltd  have recently signed a new three-year agreement to further extend our research and development partnership.

This partnership began in 2017 with the aim of accelerating the adoption of precision farming techniques in Australia. Together we’ve focused on creating innovative digital agriculture tools, spatial mapping, data visualisation, and decision support systems tailored to the needs of farmers and agronomists which led to the launch of the Soli platform. Soli is an advanced soil data management platform designed to meet Precision Agriculture’s business data management and processing needs.

Soil CRC: New appointments

Soil CRC: New appointments  

The Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils (the Soil CRC) has recently appointed CeRDI’s Distinguished Professor Helen Thompson to its Board of Directors. The Board comprises independent, skills-based members and participant representatives, with a Chair providing oversight of the Soil CRC activities, performance and strategic direction. Helen was elected by the Members of the Soil CRC as a representative of the Major Partners at the last AGM in November 2025 and attended her first Board meeting in Ballarat in late February.

The Soil CRC was established in 2017 to improve soil science for enhanced farm management. Through collaboration with industry, researchers and the community, the Soil CRC supports industry linked collaborations for outputs that support farmers to increase productivity, yield and profitability for sustainability. 

Federation University research showcased at Soil CRC Board meeting

Federation University research showcased at Soil CRC Board meeting  

Researchers and PhD candidates from Federation University showcased their Soil CRC research to the Chair and board members of the CRC during their recent board meeting held in Ballarat on 24th and 25th of February.

The meeting was introduced and facilitated by Soil CRC CEO Dr Michael Crawford, with Distinguished Prof Helen Thompson delivering an overview of Federation University.


Technology revolutionises farm dam mapping

Technology revolutionises farm dam mapping  

Researchers at CeRDI have been using drones and sonar surveys to map dam structures in Victoria, with the aim of improving water security for farmers. These provide a comprehensive view of dam structures and will assist land holders to better manage water security on their properties.

Commencing in 2022, this three-year project is led by Southern Farming Systems  and involves researchers from the Future Regions Research Centre (FRRC)  and the Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) teaming up to understand small farm dam hydrology and improve decision-making during drought and a future impacted by climate change. The $1 million project is part of the Victorian Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub , funded by the Federal Government’s Future Drought Fund. Thirteen dams are included in the study, located across Victoria, including in  Wangaratta, Gippsland, Bendigo and across South West Victoria.

Advancing the conservation of Latham’s Snipe with new habitat management guidelines

Advancing the conservation of Latham’s Snipe with new habitat management guidelines  

The Latham’s Snipe Project commenced in 2014 with the goal of improving knowledge about the ecology and migration to support conservation of the species. Over the 10 years of the national monitoring program, large volumes of data have been collected by citizen scientists, under the leadership of CeRDI’s Dr Birgita Hansen.

This includes abundance data from a range of sites in eastern Australia and data on flight initiation distances (FID), obtained when birds are flushed during surveys.

Harnessing citizen science to save the endangered Bogong Moth

Harnessing citizen science to save the endangered Bogong Moth  

Bogong Moths are a crucial food source for Mountain Pygmy-possums but the decline in moth numbers is raising concerns about both the survival of the moths and the threat to the primary food source for the possums.

At only about 2.5cm long and weighing less than a gram, Bogong Moths complete an epic 1,000km migration each year. They are found in every Australian state and territory, except for the Northern Territory, and from there head towards alpine regions in Victoria and New South Wales, where critically endangered Mountain Pygmy-possums are waking from their hibernation.

Research about the Dementia Pathways Tool

Research is underway to understand perceptions and usage of the Dementia Pathways Tool , an enduring, online tool for dementia diagnosis, management, and referral used by primary health care practitioners. The content for the Tool was informed by Assoc Prof Mark Yates, Geriatrician, Grampians Health, and Caroline Gibson, Grampians Health and the University of Newcastle who established the practice nurse resources. CeRDI designed the digital platform and has hosted and supported its regular and ongoing updates.

The research is examining how the Tool and its content could be expanded to ensure it meets the needs of practitioners and others in the future. This research will provide a prototype for conducting similar research to understand how online information systems that have been co-developed with CeRDI can be continually and seamlessly maintained and improved for broad and long-term benefit.

The research is support by funding from the Federation University’s Early Career Researcher (ECR) seeding grants which were awarded in 2024.

Dementia Pathways Tool logo

Research invitation

You are invited to complete a short, 10-minute survey about the Dementia Pathways Tool

Researchers at Federation University Australia (Dr Alison Ollerenshaw, Dr Carolyn Staines and Jennifer Corbett), together with A/Prof Mark Yates and Caroline Gibson are looking to understand the contribution of the Dementia Pathways Tool in providing ready access to information about dementia (diagnosis, management and referrals).

The findings will provide insights about current use and perceptions of the Tool and identify areas for future development.

For further information about the research, or to complete the survey, visit: 

Online Farm Trials: GRDC updates and contributor research

Online Farm Trials: GRDC updates and contributor research  

CeRDI researchers, Dr Nathan Robinson and Dr Aakansha Chadha have been weaving their way across the country attending the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) research updates and sharing information about the Online Farm Trials (OFT) project.

Each year the GRDC delivers symposiums across Australia showcasing the latest work in grains research. This year, updates have delivered include Adelaide, Perth, Bendigo, Wagga Wagga and Goondiwindi.

News snippets

Central Highlands Growers and Producers Hub website  

Presentation at Commerce Ballarat Industry Chat: Alison Ollerenshaw delivered a presentation at the February Industry Chat which was hosted by Commerce Ballarat. Alison provided an overview of the research that CeRDI recently completed for the Central Highlands Growers and Producers Hub. Alison delivered insights linked to the research findings around current business experiences, opportunities for expansion and growth and business challenges for artisan and small-scale growers, producers and retailers across the Central Highlands region.

The research report is available at the Central Highlands Growers and Producers Hub website: 

Higher Degree by Research news

PhD candidate Peter Weir featured in February’s Soil CRC newsletter280 pixels wide by 187 pixels high  

PhD candidate featured in February’s Soil CRC newsletter: CeRDI PhD candidate Peter Weir was featured in the February issue of the Soil CRC newsletter. Peter’s research was showcased for its innovation and the merging of weather radar and rain gauges data to estimate the spatial distribution of soil water within a paddock, something that will potentially be very useful to farmers and their advisors. To read the full story visit:  

Better understanding of within-field spatial variability of soil water - Soil CRC 

About CeRDI

The Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) is a research centre at Federation University Australia focused on:

  • the application of information and communications technology (ICT) and the development of innovative, world class knowledge management systems;
  • significantly advancing the digital literacy and knowledge management capabilities of partner organisations;
  • fostering partnerships for the development and implementation of eResearch with industry, government and academia; and
  • measuring the impact of eResearch and digital innovation through longitudinal research.

Contact CeRDI

For further details about CeRDI’s diverse portfolio of research please visit our website:, or contact Director, Associate Professor Helen Thompson:

Mailing Address

Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation
Federation University Australia
PO Box 691
Ballarat Vic 3353

Office Location

Suite 15, Greenhill Enterprise Centre
Ballarat Technology Park
University Drive
Mount Helen Vic 3350

Phone: +61 3 5327 9314

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