CeRDIs 25th Anniversary
CeRDI celebrated turning 25 years old during November 2023. CeRDI commenced 25 years ago as the Centre for eCommerce and Communications. At that stage the Internet was just being rolled out to regional communities. This was the context for the Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation being established.
The early years were very much focused on online portals, business websites, and digital skills activities. Since these early beginnings CeRDI has become more research intensive. This is reflected in the multi-disciplinary nature of the CeRDI team, and the various disciplines that our academic leads come from.
CeRDI 25-year anniversary video (5:23)
Today, we are collecting more data than we ever have at any other time on earth. But most of that data is invisible to us. So, the work that we do at CeRDI is that we are trying to get the private sector data and the public sector data together to give us the best amount of data that we can possibly use to make the best decisions. Better data to better decisions.
CeRDI commenced 25 years ago as the Centre for eCommerce and Communications. At that stage the Internet was just being rolled out to regional communities, so that was really the context for CeRDI being established. In our early years it was very much focused on online portal and business websites, and digital skills activities, and then we've become more research intensive that's reflected in the multi-disciplinary nature of the team and the various disciplines that our academic leads come from. Right-now we'd have about thirty major projects in progress. And those projects span a-number-of areas, but digital agriculture would be by far the largest area of focus. For example, say soils data, there are a lot of different custodians of soils data. Some might be held by the state government. Some might be held by private companies. And some might be held by farmers. And so federating data is an approach to bringing data together regardless of the system that it might be stored in.
CeRDI 25-year anniversary special: The best CeRDI projects - 9 October 2024
We have been showcasing some of the many projects that have marked CeRDI's successful 25-year anniversary.... Continue reading...
CeRDI 25-year Anniversary: Showcasing Another 5 of our Best Projects - 17 June 2024
In the last two newsletters (Spring 2023; Summer 2024) we showcased projects that have marked CeRDI’s success and 25-year anniversary.... Continue reading...
CeRDI 25: Another Five of our Best Projects - 14 March 2024
A series of stories showcasing projects that have marked CeRDI's successful 25-year anniversary... Continue reading...
CeRDI 25: A story of growth and success - 21 December 2023
CeRDI is a thriving Research Centre, one of six across Federation University, and certainly one of the most successful.... Continue reading...
CeRDI 25: 5 of our best projects - 21 December 2023
We're commencing a series of stories to demonstrate the unique and important research and technology achievements that have occurred throughout CeRDI's eResearch journey.... Continue reading...
CeRDI 25: A new professor and an enduring team - 21 December 2023
CeRDI success is demonstrated through the sustained growth of the CeRDI team.... Continue reading...
CeRDI 25: Celebrating CeRDI - 21 December 2023
In November, CeRDI's 25-year anniversary was commemorated with a special forum showcasing research and technology achievements over the years.... Continue reading...
CeRDI 25: Commemorative video - 21 December 2023
A commemorative video has been produced to mark the Centre's 25th anniversary.... Continue reading...
CeRDI 25 years - 15 November 2023
CeRDI is celebrating its 25 year anniversary. This milestone was recently acknowledged with a special forum showcasing CeRDI’s research and technology achievements over the years.... Continue reading...